
2 stroke outboard motor will not start 175hp Johnson v6?

by Guest66296  |  earlier

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I put fuel stabilizer in it over the winter but in the spring it is not starting up.

I already swapped out plugs and gear oil... spark was not visible to the eye when plug pulled. but do not know if its the powerpack coil or wires...

Will it not allow startup if the motor is not in the water?? It does have a waterflow engine cutoff which may be causing it not to spark?

Will be trying to manually prime it this weekend but any other tips or tricks would be helpful






  1. OK to start with there is no rotor cap on an outboard unless its real old and you never wont to start up a boat without water hooked to it you will burn out the water pump in about 30sec the first step in checking the ignition system is to locate the kill wire and disconnect it  if it starts then then your problem would be in you key switch for any thing else i would need  a year

  2. Pull the rotor/ cap assembly, inspect for condition, also check for the spark with a dark cover over the area. Since the engine sat for a few months, did you run the carburetor dry before securing the engine? The needle valves in 2 strokes used to stick closed do to varnish in the gas.

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