
2 tummy tattoos but am expecting twins, will the tattos go funny?

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Im a size 8 and have always been slim if thats any use?




  1. they will stretch with ur skin as your baby bump grows.. i dont think it will have any long time effect on them after u have your baby.... once you've lost the baby weight and got ur tummy back to normal ,so should your tattoos

  2. lmao i just got a mental picture of a warped tatoo. lol

    dont worry, they will just stretch and warp slightly, but once you have had the babys they will go back to normal.

  3. probably, i was a size 6-8 and am now a size 10, my belly has gone all flabby and full of stretch marks.

  4. Mine's fine, but I didn't have twins.

  5. I have a rather large tattoo on my lower abdomen and it was just fine throughout my pregnancy and afterwards. I'm very thin and I was ALL belly. I guess I was fortunate because I carried really high. I guess it really depends on the location of the tattoo and the way you carry if it will stretch or not. I hope it doesn't have any effect on your tattoos. Good luck with your pregnancy!

  6. A friend of mine has a ring of dolphins tattooed around her navel..... they looked like blue whales while she was pregnant, but look normal now (well a bit like more elderly dolphins !).

  7. hmm not sure. i guess that will be interesting!! good luck with the kids. =D

  8. As long as you take the time to put moisturising cream on to prevent stretch marks your tatoos should stay normal if you retain your figure after pregnancy. They will become wierd looking as your tummy gets bigger but should go back to normal after!

    Hope this helps!

  9. Let me break it to ya . . .

    Don't expect things to be the same.  I know it sucks.  But you are going to get bigger, stretch out, and so will your tats.  I had one on my hip do that, despite a daily regiment of lotions and creams.  It sucks and is heartbreaking in a way.  But remember, at least Angelina Jolie probably has the same problem.  Remember the big black cross on her lower stomach?  She's having twins and had a c-section with the last one.  So she has a big tat on her person, with stretch marks and a c-section scar.  That would really suck.

    Maybe you will get lucky, but don't bet on it.  Just you daily dose of reality . . . sorry!

  10. my tats are fine ive had 2 children (not twins) and its a little blotchy now but nothing that cant be fixed

  11. I don't have any on my tummy but my friends do. When they got pregnant, their tattoos stretched a little but they don't look too bad. I would suggest to use a lot of cocoa butter and keep a close eye on your diet. Hope this helps.

  12. I was a size 8 and had little geckos one over my belly button one underneath it, after having two kids they look like alligators :( I do have bad stretch marks too and some people get away with it, so maybe its my skin type :(

  13. Hun i am not sure but i would start with something like Coco Butter very soon ...i had twins ten years ago and in the end a 69 inch waist needless to say my stomach looked like a road map so yes you will have some disfigurement of the tattoos because your tummy stretches so much and being as tiny as you are as well you have to expect some markings ...

  14. i too have two tattoo's on my tummy, i'm 34 weeks pregnant, mine seem to be ok so far only they have streached masive, i'm jus hoping they go back to their normal size after i give birth as i only had them two months before getting pregnant,

  15. It really depends on your skin's elasticity. They will obviously stretch, but weather or not they return to their original glory is yet to be seen. Keep your belly lotioned up, cocoa butter and vitamin e oil are always recommended. Good luck.

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