
2 week CONTACTS <span title="help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?">help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...</span>

by  |  earlier

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so i have a pair of 2 week contacts

but i don't wear them every single day

like once or twice a week or not even

and i still have the pair

does the 2 week mean

that the contacts can last 2 weeks after you opens them

or is it the number of times its in your eyes?

so I wore my contacts only twice

and it have been pretty long time since I wore them

is it still ok to wear them,?




  1. We tell our patients that their two week lenses are good for 14 wears in a 30 day period if they are not wearing them every day. Past that you are at risk for weirdness.

  2. it is two weeks of wear time... 15 days.  one thing to keep in mind is that the &quot;storing&quot; solution... contact lenses can stay in a multipurpose solution for about 30 day before the solution goes bad per-say.  doesn&#039;t mean the plastic in the contact lens is bad.... just clean them very well before each wear.

  3. 2 week contacts are the suggestion of use, If you only wear them once or twice a week you can make them last longer.  Contacts will get thinner with age.  You will notice things wont be so clear. I normally make my monthly contacts last for 6 weeks.  Just depends on the brand, Storage, and how much you wear them. All you can do is wash them and try them and see how it goes. if things are blurry take them out and discard them.  If they feel great in your eyes and things are fine.  than wear them.

  4. no. 1 day of wearing them is basically 1 use.

    1 week straight of wearing them = 7 uses.

    so yu can wear them for maybe 14-25 times. maybe even more depending on how much u  take care of them.

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