
2 week old baby and 2 yr old upstairs in bed !!!?

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don't know if it will last or if the baby will fuss but so far so good!! Am i ok putting a two week old up stairs if i'm not with him (he has a monitor) how often would you check on him




  1. Yes as long as your monitor is reliable I would just check every hour or so.

  2. Wow! I wouldn't want my newborn out of my site! But if you are comfortable with it and he seems safe then I think its fine. Also check on him often as babies sometimes move when they sleep which may result in suffocation (don't mean to scare you).

  3. You are obviously in doubt about it or you would not have asked this question.  As long as you feel comfortable with your baby being out of sight ,  I would leave him in a moses basket in the same room as you for a while though as he is really young atm.  You will know what is best for your baby tho

  4. If the baby is in a crib or safe from falling, or getting squished by another child etc then they are fine being in a different room from you. You have a monitor so as long as she is sleeping and you hear nothing on the monitor that would alert  you, dont worry. I would probably only check on her once every 20 minutes or so, maybe 30.

  5. It should be totally fine.  You don't have to be with your baby 24/7, especially if they're sleeping.  If you have the monitor near you, with the volume up enough so you can hear it, then he'll be fine.  Use the time for yourself.  If you get too attached to the baby as it grows older, and he begins to notice, then you're in for some problems (like seperation anxiety, screaming, whining, and getting his way).

  6. Yes of course he'll be fine - you have the monitor.

    When you're asleep at night you don't check every 20 minutes, so what's the difference now?

    He won't sleep for more than 2 or 3 hours anyway at 2 weeks, so check him once or twice and enjoy the peace and quiet.  Congratulations.

    edit: 4 or 5 hours  - that's good going!  

    I remember the anxiety with my first baby - I watched her most of the night in case she stopped breathing, and I'd prod her when her breathing was suspiciously quiet to make sure she was alive - with my second baby I just looked and listened every now and then.

  7. Just check up on him every 15 mns, and don't drink.

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