
2 weeks away fr next period- right breast leak colostrum, exhausted, headaches & lower backache. Am I pregnant

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Thanks for the replies ladies :) Should also mention that I'm still breastfeeding my 2yo on my left brest and the excretion from right breast is just one drop (so far).




  1. yeah what she said something isnt right there!

  2. you wouldn't be having symptoms that early in pregnancy and you definitely would not be leaking colostrum.  sometimes when women want to be pregnant so bad, our minds play tricks on us.  keep trying, it'll happen when the time is right.  good luck!

  3. If you have been trying to get pregnant for a while you may have given yourself symptoms. If you want to believe that you are pregnant bad enough then your body will create symptoms. some woman have even had an expanding uterus and started producing milk. You may want to get that checked out. Good luck!

  4. your b*****s wouldnt be leaking that early in pregnancy.

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