
2 year old Boston Terrier. She plays and eats like a normal dog but she seems to sleep a lot. Is that normal?

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I just adopted a 2 year old Boston Terrier a little over a month ago and I just want to know if it's normal for her to sleep as much as she does (which seems to be 3-4 times during the day, atleast an hour each time)? She has a healthy diet and plays and fetches her ball (a lot I may add) so I know she's not depressed. I just wonder if she is bored and if that's the reason she sleeps. Since I have not had her since she was a pup I am still trying to gauge her personality and I have researched Bostons and never read that they sleep as much as she does.




  1. Every dog is different, never mind what's usual for the breed. Many dogs will sleep if they don't have anything else they want to do. Boredom is more likely to show itself in destructive behaviour such as chewing--that would be a sign of a dog which isn't getting enough activity. Yours sounds as if she's getting enough to do, I wouldn't worry about the sleeping. You can't keep her busy all day long so if she just chills when there's nothing to do that's fine. If she springs into action when you pick up a toy, the leash or the car keys, or open a can of food, everything is normal.

  2. What's going on around her when she's sleeping?  If the household is pretty quiet, she's probably just "hanging out".  But if there's a lot of inappropriate sleeping going on - meaning if there's a lot of activity going on around her that she is not participating in or giving any notice to - then you might want to have her vet checked.  

    Bostons are *wonderful* dogs and I've found that they're are usually happy to participate in things going on around them but are content to just hang with you when you're busy with something else.  I personally can't think of a better, more generally even-tempered dog.  Enjoy your girl!


  3. My dogs sleep for 8 hours straight from 8am-4pm while I work, they eat dinner and play, and go back to sleep around 10pm.  Dogs are not active all day long, they sleep a lot just like cats.  I'm actually amazed that yours sleeps so little, my bf has a Boston that sleeps all day and most of the night too!  He just gets up for a little while at a time to go crazy and then falls asleep again.  He's 6 and perfectly healthy.  Your dog is just fine.

  4. dogs sleep 16 plus hours a day.

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