
2 year old baby spits and punches people and laughs?

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My nephew is a very cute little boy, but he's kind of mean. He sometimes spit on my brother's face and punches and kicks him randomly. And he would laugh afterward. He also spat on my face and laughed.

I can't say anything to my aunt about this. Because she absolutely adores her little boy and wouldn't want to hear something bad about him. We're not that close. But I am worried about him. He's a sweet boy, just a bit violent. Is there a way for me to gently, GENTLY tell my aunt about his behavior? Oh also my relatives have seen him punch and just laugh and say he's cute. Everyone is very nice to him. is this something to be worried about? because I am, but I know he's very young.




  1. I swear it's just 2 year old boys.  Not ALL by any means, but I unfortunately know a lot of those.  I used to think my friends 2 you boy was a sociopath, as he's hurt someone really bad and she'd try to discipline him and he wouldn't look her in the eye, and would just laugh.  I"m like great, he's going to be a psychopath.  BUT the more I've met of boys, a lot of them are like that.  The one I know is now 3 1/2 and much better.  So it must just be the 2 yo thing.  GL!

  2. This behavior isn't appropriate.  It's a shame you aren't comfortable saying anything to his parents.  One thing you can do is to be clear about what is acceptable behavior when he's around you.  If he ever punches/spits/kicks you again, you tell him in a firm, no-nonsense voice that you don't appreciate his behavior and that is not allowed and it makes you sad.  If he tries to do it again, you walk away from him and tell him you are done playing with him because of his bad behavior.  Tell him if he's willing to play nicely with you, then you'd like to play some more.  If this happens in front of your aunt, and she gets mad about it, you just tell her that you love him but it's not okay for him to behave like this to you.  That is all you have control over, but it is your right not to be hit/kicked/spit on, even by the cutest kid.

  3. well maybe next time he spits on you or someone tell your aunt.

    im sorry but your aunt isnt be a very good parent if she lets him hit people and dosnt do anything about it.

    i dont know how you could tell her that tho.


  4. This little boy is maybe cute now, but if the parents let him do anything he wants, he will become a terror later on. Children need to have clear guidance and, even at the age of two they very well understand when you tell them that they are not allowed to do something. Presently we have a too permissive way of education. If I was you, I would tell his mother and each time he misbehaves, I would take him and tell him seriously that he is not allowed to do so, (if everybody says he is so cute when he spits or kicks it is normal that he wil do it again and again). Also you should explain why he may not spit and kick and tell him that if he does it again, he'll be punished (stay alone in his room for example). Of course, if the parents do not act that way too it will be useless, but nobody should accept his behavior.

    If the parents do not do anything, they will have a very big surprise and be very unhappy when their son will be older.

  5. I would be very worried if this was my child,  it may seem acceptable to your aunt at the moment,  but not disciplining him at this age will just make it harder for him when he is older,  when he is at school it will be a nightmare,  and by laughing at him and saying it is cute it is like saying to him it is acceptable to behave in this way.  It is not.

    It sounds like your aunt would not take kindly to him being criticized,  could you speak to your mum or dad about your concerns,  if not I would just make comments when he does it, IE if they laugh I would say "I don't find it funny,  spitting is horrible"  or if he punches say "one day some bigger kid will punch him back,  it won't be so funny then".

    I know it isn't PC,  but I am quite happy to tell other kids off if I don't agree with their behaviour and their parents don't say anything and it affects me or my children.

  6. he is 2

    he behaves according to reaction

    a child that age wants please,

    and when he spits people laugh and say its cute


    although he is only 2 he can understand the word NO said in a firm voice, and nothing upsets a 2 year old more than a sad face, 2 year olds are VERY visual, if he sees displeasure, and a hears a firm voice he will soon stop

    his parents are morons, punching and spitting is NOT cute

  7. Slap him and if he cries tell him to grow a pair!

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