
2 year old has 103.5 temp?

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My 2 year old has a high fever of 103.5- I have given him the recomended doses of tylonol and am keeping him hydrated. I just would like to know from all you other mothers out ther what else i can do to keep his temperature down- thanks.




  1. Cool bath, not cold, cool.

    Also try alternating between Tylenol and Motrin. I've heard that works.

    He'll be fine. I added a link to a site that I refer to often with health questions.

  2. I am an RN and I have a 13 month old.  Actually, we concerned at 105 degrees but as  mother, I would call your MD office for a "sick appointment" or visit your local Urgent Care or ER. Any recent history of vaccines? Other symptoms? Diarrhea or vomiting? How is your child acting is another question- normal activity or very lethargic (sleepy). Eating or drinking normal? Any sores or rashes anywhere? What about ear infection symptoms-  pulling at ears or swimming recently?

  3. Why do people come on here for medical advice when they should be asking their doctor? Or how about googling this, and you can read what a doctor/medical establishment has written?

    And BTW, most of the responses regarding a fever are actually correct. A fever can be nothing, or it can be life threatening. There are so many other factors you have to consider.

    I say, err on the side of caution...

    And Cindy-you have no idea if this child will be fine. You are not his doctor, don't have access to his medical records, and don't know any other symptoms he may have that the mother may have either forgotten to write down, or doesn't know to look for. You need to be very careful.

  4. Just make sure you keep giving him liquids and a tepid bath may help...just not too cold.

  5. Either give him a bath or sponge him down with cool water.

  6. I agree with the other moms saying to take him to the hospital.  Don't chance it.

  7. Alternating Tylenol and Motrin helps ALOT.  You can also put the child in a tub of room temperature water (not cold) and sponge bathe to bring the body temperature down.  I know it's scary when the temp goes that high but it really isn't that uncommon with small children.  Could be viral but to be safe I'd have the doctor check for infection.

  8. take him to the hospital why are you sitting here typing 104 can give him brain damage and his temp. isn't that far off, look i'm not trying to be rude, but please take him to the hosp. in the mean time give him a room temp. bath. not cold and not hot.

  9. have you gone to the emergency room? that's getting close to a danger level!



  11. I would suggest hospital. It's the safest thing to do.

  12. do not call anyone, get your child to the E.R. ASAP could be ear infection

  13. First of all CALL THE DOCTOR! At two years old, a fever that high could be dangerous, and at the very least indicative of something wrong.

    If you've already done that and the doctors just told you to make sure that the fever doesn't get any higher, then keep doing what you're doing, especially the hydrating part (sometimes all you need to break a fever is a bit of water).

    If there's someone who can go to the store, ask them to pick up some BeKool patches, or WellPatch Migraine Relief patches. They are non medicated cooling gel patches that you can stick to the back of your child's forehead and the back of his neck. Just be sure to watch him while he has them so that he doesn't try to eat them.

    Wet a cloth with water and gently stroke his face, neck, and arms with it. Also, if you run cool (not cold, you don't want to put him into shock) water over the pulse points in his wrists for a couple of minutes, that can lower his internal temperature.

    If nothing else works, try putting him in a tepid bath. Like a couple of other posters have mentioned, DO NOT put him in a cold bath. That can put him into shock, which is scary at best, and potentially deadly at worst.

    Most importantly, listen to your child. He will be able to tell you if something hurts or is uncomfortable, and that's important.

    If you can't bring his fever down, call the doctor back.

    Good luck, and I hope your son feels better soon.

  14. Cool not cold bath should help to bring down the temperature. However if the temperature continues to rise even after giving him a bath and giving him Tylenol the only other thing you can do is bring him into the hospital. But I will tell you what they will do. They will give him another dosage of Tylenol and if it still continues to rise they will give him an ice bath. Don't do this at home please he can go into shock and without a doctor present you will not be able to get him to the hospital in time. Give him a bath and give him Tylenol at the recommended dosage every 3 hours. It should come down if not bring him to emerg. Remember an extremely high fever of 106 or higher can bring on a seizure so keep him close by tonight and keep a close eye on that fever. Good luck, I hope he starts doing better soon.

  15. keep him warm the cold on an off for 30 min a piece. the check his temp. after.

  16. Call your hospital and ask them. They may tell you to bring him in.

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