
2 year old in childcare?

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Hi there! I just recently started childcare last week. And the 2 year old girl in my care doesn't use any words besides 'dada' for bottle and 'mama' for everything else. The word 'mama' is for me (her childcare provider), my husband, my dogs, a stranger on the street, Barney, and anyother item that isn't even living. I guess my question is, is this normal? I want to say no, and if it isn't, does anyone else have any suggestions on how I can try to get her to talk more? I try to correct her by saying, Not Mama, Nicole or Not Mama, Barney. Can you say Barney? Should I keep doing this? Should I bring this up to the parents as a potential problem and have her seen by a language therapist? I guess I wonder what you as parents think?




  1. Its not weird, its normal. Her parents probably didn't talk to her enough. Describe everything your doing so she can pick up words from you.

  2. I wouldn't bring it up. They'll only get mad at you. Keep up the good work with her. Maybe, she just hasn't had exposure to someone like you who will help her.

    As a parent, I have my child at the doc and in therapy, but unless you work for a center or have formal training in childcare, the parents are probably going to think you don't know what you are talking about. (Although, I think you are on to something big.)

  3. That is a little weird. I would just keep telling her the right words for things. You don't want to offend the parents this early. If you don't see any improvement then I would suggest some kind of treatment or at least getting her checked out. My son didn't really start talking more than that until around 20 months. If she is just now two give it some time. Maybe they don't talk to her much at home. Just repeat things a lot that helped my son learn what things were. I would give it around a month or two and if no improvement talk to the parents. Good luck.

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