
2-year-old in preschool?

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My son is 27 months old and I have just started him in preschool 5 days a week. Can this be beneficial or traumatic? The teachers say he's adjusting well and quite verbally advanced compared to others in his age group. However, a lot of my friends think it's a bad idea. I stayed home with him for two years and breastfed. Isn't this a good time for him to get away from me and around other kids more?




  1. I put my boys in preschool  at the different times at 25 months old, and  did well all the way into their pre- k and second grade in their schools.  No stress.  The teachers in preschool make things easy mostly art activities and play.  Unlike Kindergarten. I personally feel it's time to slowly expose 2 years old in preschool on " build on the social part "so that they will feel more settle into a real class once they goes to Kindergarten. I am a volunteer/teacher aide in first grade class in school.

  2. It really depends on the child. I often recommend starting slow with a part time program, or only going two to three days per week to make the transition easier. But if his teachers say he is transitioning well, there may not be much worry there. My question is, why are you putting him in preschool? Are you back to work? Are you just looking for a social program? Do you want him to "get ahead" of his peers by the time he hits kindergarten?

    Take an honest look at the situation and remember that your child is young. Preschool certainly won't kill him - plenty of children from 6 weeks and up are in full-time programs, and they flourish. But again, it depends on the child. If your son is happy, then ignore what your friends say.

    If you haven't done this already, visit the preschool for a while when he is there. You can play with him directly, or try to stay out of sight, but observe him in the environment, with the other kids and teachers. That way you'll know for yourself how he's doing and what his experience is like. And remember, you are his mom. You know him better than anyone, so don't worry about what everyone else tells you. If you're looking out for his best interest, you can't go wrong.

    Good luck!

  3. Even though 2 is a little young, children tend to get bored at home and need child stimulation. Your son is obviously around adults all day (you and his dad) and needs child interation with his peers...

    My sister put her little girl into school at 2... she also thought it was too young, but the teachers managed to pick up motor planning and speech problems and we have managed to correct it. If my sister hadn't put her in school, we would've only picked up on this much later on.

    If your son is not enjoying school and fights with you in the morning about going then leave it and don't take him back. Wait a year or so and try him again. If he enjoys it and talks about his friends and teacher at school take this as a good sign.

    Don't worry too much about it... And good luck!!!!

  4. i don't think its neccessary right now. i don't think it would be traumatic. i would enroll him part time just so that u can have a few hours to yourself. i just think that 5 days a week of preschool would be too much.

  5. I think he is a bit too young for preschool.  I think 4 years old would be a good age for pre-school.

    I am glad that he is adjusting well but think about his future school days.  He may get bored very quickly when he gets older and that can lead to some problems with him.   Nothing wrong with him going to Day Care.  Maybe you could check it out where you live.  =)

  6. It's really a matter of preference on your part. There is no developmental reason for 2yo's to spend time with other kids away from their parents.

  7. traumatic dont do that!

  8. i really don't see a problem i in rolled my children in preschool at the age of two and three and there doing well they need to be around other children so the could learn how to play with others and share because they only spent time with me they didn't have others children to play with and they had a well structured enviorment they seemed to get bored playing with mommy all day and when they do start going to school all day and mommy has to go to work it's much easier on the both of you when you two are a part do whats truly best for you and yours

  9. I really think you should leave your son in preschool.  it is really great for them to start learning early.  even though they are just playing they learn through their play.  I had put my son in preschool when he was a1 1/2.   He just turned 5 and in kindergarden and he is reading and writing already.  you want the best for your kid and the best education they can have.  if you start early they will be really smart and may advance in front of the class and that may lead to great education.  On the weekends my son always says he wants to go to school so he can play with his friends cause he doesn't want to be in the house.  i think it is great and you should leave him.  he will eventually get used to it and he will love it.

  10. its been scientifically proven that it does not matter what environment a child grown in, it will never affect them in anyway...its more genetic. So i don't think that your child is going to be traumatised in anywa....

    but it is possible

    one question though...why do it????

  11. There is nothing wrong with it--but if you feel like its too much, look for a pre-school that only takes him for a few hours 2-3 times a week.  I managed to find one in our area and did that before going full days but my little girl loved being with the other children and did well.  I believe its harder on Mom than on them--I really think I was more traumatized than her on her first day of school!!! LOL

  12. First let me tell you I homeschool my oldest son and my younger son is home with me, so I am not one of those people who thinks day care is a great situation for a child and just as good as being at home.  It is not, children should be raised by their parents.  

    That being said preschool is different.  A good preschool can give your child not just the social skills they need, but also a great start toward being prepared for kindergarten.  My son went to a Montessori school that had him reading before he turned 5.  For us 2 years old was a good time for my older son to start.  We actually started him a little before that because the school year started at the end of August and he turned 2 in October.  We did not have a lot of friends with children the same age as my son, and play dates were few and far between.  We were concerned about him learning sharing and that it is ok to be with another adult besides me.  These are lessons that are sometimes learned outside the home.  Especially if he is an only child.  

    We also started off at 5 days a week because the school recommended that it made the adjustment easier.  After about 2 months we dropped down to 3 days per week because I wanted him to have social times, but I still wanted to be his major influence.  

    With my younger son who just turned 2 in December we are currently active in a church with a great childen's program (this was not true when my older child was this age) and so he gets social time twice on Sunday and Wednesday evenings.  We will probably put him in preschool next year in the fall.

  13. i think itz too early. may be 3 or 4 years is better

  14. Your son will be "away from  you" for a long, long time. Why not savour every single moment with him right now!!! Before you know it, he will be heading off to middle school, then university, and you will never EVER be able to get back these precious moments.

    I didn't put my youngest son in any preschool what-so-ever. I stayed home with him, played with him, took him to play groups, read to him, had him help me make meals, fold laundry, all the while talking with him, having really cool conversations. We went to the library, the park etc etc. He came shopping with me and to the bank.

    All of my friends were like "Aren't you worried that he'll be behind when he starts school?"

    Now the proof is in the pudding. He's now in grade 1, and has developed some wonderful friendships, and is exceeding expectations in all academic areas.

    The BEST form of education for a little one is his mother's love. (Or, father's... don't want to discriminate! lol)

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