
2 year old kicking, but she knows not to?

by Guest59546  |  earlier

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Shes very smart for two, and is usually welll behaved.

but sometimes, even when not cranky, she'll start kicking and as she does it, she call sout "no kicking!!! no kicking!!"

she knows what no means, and does it anyway while saying that, and doesnt stop when we say to stop.

whats going on?

how can we get her to stop kicking?

shes not ebven doinng it to be mean




  1. I've got a two year old son so I know what your going through,its the terrible two stage,How I deal with my son is,he gets a warning when he's behaving in a bad way,if he chooses to ignore the warning he then goes straight into the naughty corner for two minutes (A minute for each year of there life,5years old 5minutes etc etc) Once he has finished his 2minute's I then explain to him what he's done wrong and get him to say sorry,Since introducing this method I have seen a massive difference in his behavior,I only have to say WARNING and he stops what he was doing. I hope this helps,i know how hard it can be. Good luck.

    Stacey x*x  

  2. She's being a normal 2 year old and is just doing it because to her it's cool to do. Don't make a big deal out of it or scold her either. When she starts doing the kicking thing, try to distract her with a movie or something. Eventually she will stop the kicking and find something else to do.

  3. I too think the best way to handle is with distraction. Some times kids do exactly what you don't want them to do.

    Distract right away! Games, movies, running anfd playing. Don't use food. The last thing you want is your child to be hungry every 5 mins. However fruit will always help.

    When the kicking begins to be too much times out may be the best answer.

  4. it seems like she has a little bit of OCD. its really normal for 2 year olds to fall into weird habbits, because they get distracted so easily and need to entertain themselves. Figure out if she does it for any particular reason, if its when she tired, or shes changing activities, or feels stressed out for some reason? usually thats the cause of behavior like that so all you have to do is relieve the stress. also, dont give her attention when she kicks, because she also may be doing it for attention. try redirectiing her energy, like when she starts kiskcing say "hey do you want to go outside and play??" or "do you want to come play with this toy" that way shell forget about the kicking and focus her energy on something else.

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