
2 year old?

by  |  earlier

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some times she does not go to bed at night until like 1amsih. we try to put her in her bed but she keeps getting up like every hour. do you think she might have an ear infection (i think i spelled it wrong) she does not have any sweet stuff at all durning the day she only has about 1 hours of a nap about 12ish maybe a little early. and has a good supper and drinks her milk. what should i do? should i a call her DR and ask for help.




  1. What makes you think she has an ear infection? Has she been tuggin or poking her ear? Any fever? Does she cry when she wakes up? Is she maybe having bad dreams? What does she say when she gets up, does she want to play? It could be anything at this point but I think you need more detail especially if you're taking her to the dr otherwise he's just going to look at you like "Ok, she getting up in the middle of the night....and?"

  2. If she goes to bed at 1 am, what time is she waking up in the morning? If you are letting her sleep in because you think that she is tired then this is the routine that she is getting used to and she knows that she is then in control. Keep the same routine every day. Up around 7 or 8 a nap after lunch and then bed by 8 at night. I agree that maybe she is not getting enough exercise and stimulus during the day. If she is not tugging at her ears or complaining about it, or running a temp, then she probably is fine and just trying to see what she can get away with. I also agree that if she wakes up, you need to let her know that it is time to sleep and just keep putting her back to bed. Do not engage her in conversation, or she will keep pushing it. Let her know who the parent is.

  3. It sounds like she has figured out that mom will get up and let her play. I would take her to the doctor to make sure she has no illness but once diagnosed and if there is no ilness you need to have stricter rules. I know it seems crazy with a two year old but if you don't start now you will have a nightmare child who will do this all the time. My son is 4 years old and still hates going to bed. If he wakes up in the middle night he asks to play with toys but we say no.

    Good Luck I know how hard it is!

  4. 1 am is ridiculous, sleep is crucial for development and you are robbing her of that.  Put her to bed at 8pm and return her each time without saying a word but "go to sleep."  You may have to do this 30-40 times a night for weeks until she gets the picture.  My son went through this phase when we transitioned him to toddler bed and I was 8 months pregnant returning him to his bed dozens of times a night, with work the next morning too!!  So toughen up and don't give in, she needs to realize that you have set bedtime rules and there is no budging.  Take her to the doc if you think she might have an ear infection but that is usually accompanied by pain, crying and fever not playing!!

  5. You should go to the doctor for a check up anyway.  But she's probably just not getting enough stimulation during the day.  Give her more physical activities, even if it's just taking her on a long walk.  The idea is to make her so tired that she just passes out by the end of the day.

  6. If you've ruled out some sort of illness, or something of the sort, then it really comes down to discipline. Don't give in to her when she wants to stay up or get up at night and hang out. Put her back to bed, explain to her why things have to be this way (they understand so much more of what we say than we realize) and be firm, but not scary. You're not really being mean. You'll probably have to do it several times over the course of a week or so. Kids can quickly regulate their sleeping schedule if keeping up with a good routine.

  7. Does she complain or pull on her ears? Does she sleep in a crib or a regular bed? Is she waking up crying or just want to play?  Need more info.
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