
2 year old slow at speech. how do u inspire her to talk more?

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we have a home licensed day care and there a two& a few months old child. She is very cute n energetic. Problem is she only says hi, bye, n cheese(for the camera). When she want something she don't even attempt to ask she screams and cries more than the current infant we have. Her mom and us are trying to get her to talk some more but she just stares and whine to you move out her way. rare occasions she might say the word for example she said sorry n everyone cheered! what way are there to inspire her to talk some more? she is not that shy she might say hi after a while other than that she just plays n stare




  1. Well u r doing well when she does make proggression u should tell her she did and try 2 talk a lot around her and try 2 have correct grammar when doing so. Also give as much examples as possible.

    .................Good luck

  2. Has the mother ever taken her daughter to have her hearing tested?

  3. keep talking to her and cheering her efforts. It is quite possible that she has a neurological condition such as apraxia or aphasia and she is not asking for things because the words are "stuck" and she cannot coordinate the movements needed to say the words. The best thing would be if her mom had her checked by early intervention in her area. they could let her mom know if she needs speech therapy (and she does), and if so, how to get it for free.

    YOu may just want to mention to the mom that her daughter seems really frustrated when she cannot communicate what she wants. And has the mom tried to get her development tested through EI, as it is free. the treatment (if needed) is free too, regardless of income.

    In the meantime toys like leapfrog toys are great. they have so many that deal with words and ABCs. Also shows on TV like sesame street and wordworld and SuperWhy? seemed to have the best effect on my son. He sings along with songs on Noggin the best he can.  He knew his colors and most of his ABCs before he could say his own name!! Make sure you do not talk baby talk to her and accept any word aproximation and correct her too. Like if she says "dink doos" you say "oh, you would like to drink juice?" that way she knows that you understand her AND you are modeling the correct word for her.

    I hope this has helped. Feel free to e-mail me if you have any other questions. I have learned a lot in the process of getting my youngest diagnosed with apraxia, and in the course of his treatment.

  4. you just have to talk to her like a grown up.  and not like a child.  they respond better to that.  and whenever she points and stares just don't give whatever it is to her, make her tell you what it is that she wants.

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