
2 year old speech problems?

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My two year old daughter seems to be lacking in the communication dept. She's very bright in many other things, but she bearly speaks and only knows maybe less than 20 words. We talk to her alot and say the words of things we're doing or objects. But she really hasn't made much progression since she first started talking. I was told before on here about speech therapy or first getting her do you go about doing that? She doesn't have the option of going to a pedi until august and I wanted to do something about it now. Any links online??? I live in San Antonio, tx.




  1. you dont have to get into your pediatricians office to get referrals. just call your pediatricians office and ask for a "referral nurse" and then explain the situation. she'll most likely tell you to get a hold of Easter Seals....but you might want to call and ask just in case there are other options. she can give you their phone numbers over the phone.

    also, i would like to suggest word books. go to your local and bookstore and go to the childrens section. you'll be amazed at the amount of books they have. look for this book

    you can also buy this at walmart for about $15.00....and it's worth every single penny. my son also had a speech problem when he was 2..and this book helped him sssoo much.

    i hope this helps!

  2. Call your school district. They can point you in the right direction. I went that route and my son is now 5 and has a great vocabulary. I'm glad I went with my gut instinct ad had him evaluated. I had many friends EVEN my pediatrician tell me he was fine. He went through speech therapy for 2 1/2 years.

  3. wait for 6months more and see how it goes. She is only 2, i know many girls who dont speak much at 2. Give her time and she will suddenly talk when she is ready.

    if this continues till 3 then i would start getting concerned.

    all the best!

  4. ok go to you local health department they will help you their and they will point you in the right direction and get into help me grow it is a programe for parents to help there children get ready for school it maybe called something differnt their by you but go see and point at thing and repeat them that is what i do and my daughter copy everything i say that is how she learns how to speak and read to her that will help too

  5. She is only 2 years old...not 22 years old.  There is NOTHING wrong with your daughter, other than the fact her parents seem to think she should be reciting the Gettysburg Address.

  6. Every state has an early intervention program for kids 0-3 for developmental delays.  You do not need a referral.  If you can't find it in your states phone book then you can call your pediatrician for the number.  The program will evaluate her and determine if she is qualified to receive services.  

    Here is what comes up under Early Childhood intervention San Antonio, Tx


    227 W. Drexel Ave.

    San Antonio, Tx


    14207 Higgins Rd.

    San Antonio, Tx

    It takes several weeks to schedule an appointment

    The school district is for the preschool, so you have to be 3.

  7. Here's the links I've come up with. This first one is the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association:

    The rest also look helpful for you too.

    She could just not want to talk yet but, it is good to rule this out early.

    Good Luck!  :)

  8. i went through this whole process. you need to find the Early Intervention program in your area. its free, and they'll eval her and see if there's a problem and then they'll help you find a speech therapist that'll come to your home. its the best thing we ever did for our daughter, she had speech at home for a year and a half, and now she's enrolled in the DD (developmental delay) preschool on base. it was a lot easier getting her into to that since she was already in the program. her speech is almost completely caught up, and i don't think that would have happened if we would have waited till she was 3. the earlier the better.

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