
2 year old toddler son (just turned 2 this month) just started throwing things when he gets upset...?

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How do/have you handled this?




  1. My two year old boy does the same exact thing, he throws anything and everything....

    Whatever he throws I take it away from him and put him on time out for 2 minutes...which is in his room with the door closed....

    It's more of a "cooling off period" than time out....because now all I have to do is look at him when he raises his hand to throw something and he puts it down, puts his little head down, goes to his room and closes the door himself

    Now that took dont get discouraged....the most important part is to stay calm

  2. youll need to be a mindreader..sounds like hes frustrated...or tired.  its the age that they get frustrated w communication, knowing what they want but not knowing how to get it

    he does it to get a rise out of you is dulldrum and boring,..he figures out if he throws things, you come over and start talking to him...he thinks its cool

    now, if hes hitting his sister like my little guy sometimes does, im sorry people, but its a call for a spankin..thats what the little rear end is for.  

    it depends on what context the throwing is occuring..good luck to you,

    ps.  if hes throwing things to get a rise out of you, let him throw it, ignore it, calmly walk over and take away what he threw. this too will become a game until he has no toys left..then he will pester you for his stuff back, then you can make him earn it by being a good boy and not throwing things.  anyways, its more wordy than the actions really are, youll just have to figure out his game..

  3. I've got one who will be two shortly, and is already doing this.  Tell him "NO!" forcefully, and if he persists, remove him from the area, and place him in time out.

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