
2 year old who won't use the potty?

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He turned 2 in feb.He talks better than alot of 4 year olds and he can tell you when he's about to p**p or pee.The problem is, he just won't get on the potty or the "grown up potty." He will scream and cry if I mention putting him on it,and when I do he'll cry the whole time he's on the toilet.As soon as you put him on a clean pullup he pees in it.I don't understand this kid,what should i do?




  1. Well, he's NOT ready because he doesn't  WANT to.  You cannot force him to do it and the more you do, the more he is going to resist.

    Put away the potty and don't mention it for awhile.  AFter a couple of weeks, casually work it into conversations.  Don't tell him he has to use it.  Just mention that when he decides to use it, you'll help him.  Tell him it is his decision.  When you are changing his pullups, tell him someday he may not wear pull ups, he'll wear underwear and that maybe he can have underwear with spiderman (or whoever his favorite characters are).   Again, don't pressure him, just talk about it the same way you might talk about how someday he will go to school or someday he will sleep in a big bed or anything else.

  2. Give him time, he'll figure it out. (and that grown up potty might be scary to him - what if I fall in and disappear with the p**p??  : )

  3. some boys just take longer and as much as i heard this i didn't believe it till i was there. He will let you know when he is ready. Mine was right at 4 when he was fully potty trained and i will say he was the first boy in his mothers day out class potty trained. People will tell you he is to old and what not but you will be the one going insane cleaning messes and what not, good luck.

  4. Age 2 is still kind of young for potty training a boy....they usually take to it at around 3 or 31/2yrs. If your son has a little potty, maybe leave it out so he can get aquainted with it on his own terms and maybe get a video he can watch. My son liked "Potty Time with Bear" from Bear in the Big Blue House. He started using the potty just after his 3rd birthday. You don't want to force your kid to potty train, they tend to take longer then usual if you do. Relax and let time take its course. Good Luck!

  5. Potty training really depends on when the child is ready.  My oldest was potty trained at 2.  My daughter used to be scared of the adult toilet.  I think she thought she would fall in.  She wasn't 100% trained until 1 week before her 3rd birthday.  My son seemed a little slow too and so I finally bought a bunch of Lightning McQueen stuff (which he loves) and he would earn stickers on a chart.  The items all had a sticker amount depending on the price.  I had little lollipops that he earn with just going potty 2 times and to earn larger items he had to get more stickers.  He was at the age where he was outgrowing baby things and really needed his room updated anyways.  It was a way for me to redo his room and potty train at the same time =)

  6. Leave him alone and let him do this when HE is ready.

  7. I would have to say he's obviously not ready.  Sure all the other signs are there...all of them but the willingness to do it.  Give him some more time.  There's no rush at this age.

  8. My daughter also turned 2 in February.  She woke up dry this morning.  She'll sit on the potty but nothing comes out.  I know that there is really nothing I can do.  You can not force them.  They will use the potty when they are good and ready.

    With my first child, I had a hard time with her.  I got some books at the library about it which helped me understand the whole process.  Just because the signs are there, doesn't mean they are ready.  This is something they control, not you.  Put the potty training on the back burner for awhile.  Go about your life - changing diapers, pull-ups whatever with no comment about the potty.  Weeks, many months later try again casually.  Don't force the issue, don't freak out.  When he's good and ready he'll do it on his terms.

    I should also add that my first child didn't start using the potty until 3 years old.  Underwear wasn't until 3 years 4 months, and I stopped putting her in a pull-up at nightime at 3 1/2 years old.

  9. He isn't ready yet. He will let you know when he is. Two is still pretty young and believe me, he will not stay in those pull-ups long. Give him time

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