
2 year old will not stop touching herself ... HELP!!!?

by  |  earlier

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ok my daughter will be 2 in aug. and since she was 8 months old she has been "touching" herself down there. now i am not asking if this is "normal" cause i know that all toddlers what to discover them selves and if its ok for a little boy then im sure it is for a girl as well right?

but really my question is how do i get her to stop?

she does it all the time even in public and even when she has p**p. then she gets p**p all over !

how do i teach her to stop?




  1. When she's doing it in public, you can tell her that she needs to keep her hands outside her fill-in-the-blank, then distract her by talking about something else.  

    If you scold, or even sternly repremand for putting her hands down her pants, then she's going to think something is wrong with her and her body.  It's best just to explain to children that we keep our hands outside our pants and that our private parts are private.

  2. It is normal, What I would do to make her stop is to tell her that it is not nice to touch down there and also to not let anyone else touch down there. Two year olds understand more than you think they do. I will also find out if she has been touched down there from someone else. you can do this by taking her to see a child psychologist; no child is ever too young to see one. I reallly hope this helps.

  3. as for the touching, no one is going to care and as she begins  to talk you can say simple statements that won't embarrass her like,"not at the store" and then remove her hand from herself. don't make an issue out of it, just simple words and a loving smile. but as for home, she will out grow it.

    now about the p**p.....

    i'm not understanding how p**p is involved with her touching herself....but when my son was 2 he would take off his diaper and get p**p all over the place....we once found his hot wheels in the p**p...he thought it was mud!!! LOL anyway i couldnt figure out how to keep that diaper on...i even duct taped it and he wiggled out of the diaper. so i got smart and i bought a once piece bathing suit for girls his age. and everytime it was bedtime i'd put it on him. unlike the onsies and his footsie pajamas they didnt have any buttons for him to pry open. it was fool proof!!

  4. You need to start explaining to her that it's fine to do that in private, when she is in her room or the bathroom, but it is not an ok thing to do in public.  That is a personal area.  And yes it's fine for her to do it :)

  5. its not a sexual thing. its a curious thing. just hand her something that will divert her attention and she will concentrate on that. eventually she will stop.

  6. what's the problem????   it's her body and there's no shame in it, is there?  get rid of your sexual thoughts and leave the baby alone.

  7. alot of kids do this to comfort them selfs. maybe buy her a stuff a animal or some thing else that will comfort her.

  8. Everytime she does it, tell her firmly that that is something that she should only do when she is alone.

  9. Basically all you can do is keep her in clothes that keep her out of there.  Like overalls.

    She is too young to get "private" and "public"

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