
2 year old words?

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hi there my 2 year old says stop your words can anyone tell me what it mines please i do not now what she is saying. should i be worry.




  1. you shouldnt.. my son usually says no,no,no,no,no,no to me especially if i have done or touch something that he knows its not supposed to be touched or moved..

    they are getting smarter you know.

    so when she said stop.. figure out why she said it. there is always a reason for everything.

  2. she probually just wants you to stop talking?

    try saying it to her sometimes

    if she stops talking it means she knows it means stop talking

    but if she completely dosent understand why you said it, it means it it probually means something else and she means something completely different when she says it

    if that made any sense?


  3. Every child develops at their own rate. My nephew didn't talk at all until his 2nd birthday. Some may rant and rave things of a different language for a while. He will talk more and more understanding as he develops, you could have him tested for speech. There are programs for younger than preschool age and if it's the case then you can have him worked with before he starts even preschool. check into it

  4. do you tell her to use her words? She may be telling you to stop talking.

  5. LOL sounds like she's politely trying to tell you to shut up! and don't worry... just tell her, "no, honey that's not nice to tell someone to not talk. i LIKE it when YOU talk!"
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