
2 year olds birthday party ideas?

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My son is turning two next month he loves elmo, I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for activities or games younger children might enjoy.




  1. My husband and I have decided to throw a party for us, as our 2 year old will never remember it in the first place.  Last year, we called it Izzfest 2007 (our daughter's name is Isabella), with the invitations looking like a flyer for a music festival (my husband is a musician).  We BBQ'd and invited all of our friends and family (very few have children).  Our daughter just loved being surrounded by tons of people so she had a blast.

    This year we are doing something similar (Izzfest 2008), only the theme will be based loosely on Alice in Wonderland.  We'll have small cupcakes saying "Eat Me", large playing cards decorating the house, lots of teacups and a Top Hat birthday cake.

    Point is, soon enough our daughter will be requesting themes and I don't want to play out her ideas before she even has a chance to come up with them (ie: throw a Barney party twice).  So until she is old enough to have ideas of her own, we will do whatever WE like that fits our personalities and family...

  2. The recommendation is one friend per year of the birthday, but keep the numbers even.  So for a two year old who will never remember the party, invite one to three children she gets along with well and make some fun and simple games.  The parents are expected to stay, no drop-offs until age 5 or Kindergarten year.  Two year olds like anything with wheels, animals, running, and anything messy and noisy.

    Bean bag toss

    Soda bottle bowling

    Try to keep the party short for sanity sake.  Have a party favor that the kids will really like.  Do not push your child to open presents if it's stressful.  Play some song games and some free outside play if possible.

  3. Well just to through out some ideas that you can use or not. Maybe check out the and see the elmo themes and colors.

    Ummm, maybe even blend in the alphabet/or 123's since your son is turning two years old.

    Color and cut out coloring pages of an Elmo coloring book and use a wall decor.

    Maybe get a cupcake tree, it saves cutting cake and easier to pass out. Also buy a babycake or bake a slightly bigger cupcake for your son to blow out his candle or dig his hands into.

    Have blocks aside in a corner for playing with, mini beach balls/or mini soft balls in a blow up 1-2 ring swimming pool creating a ballpit or maybe just buy one so they can jump and throw balls.

    Eisel stand with Giant painting paper to let them have fun with paint.

    Ring toss games, pin the tail on the donkey (elmo game), etc.....

    I was just making these things up as I was typing, I hope some of these ideas work for you or give you ideas of your own to help your son enjoy his upcoming second birthday......Remember kids enjoy unstructed play as well as directed games....

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