
2 year olds temp is 99.6 is that to high?

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2 year olds temp is 99.6 is that to high?




  1. noo monitor it if it get higher rotate with tylenol and Motrin every 4 hours

  2. It's a little above "normal" but nothing to worry too much about.  When I was a little kid, my temp used to get up 110 or higher on a regular basis.  I would sometimes have halucinations and extreem sweatting.  When that would happen the doctor had my mom put a cold rag on my head and put me somewhere cool and dark and make me lay down for a while until the fever subsided.  I was born with a hive tumor that caused it.  The tumor went away by the time I was 12.  I'm 35 now and more or less normal,  so 99.6 is nothing to really worry about.

  3. pretty high, if you havent already, give them motrin or tylenol, and if they are teething put gel, can cause fever. keep an eye on it though, let them play in the tub, no matter what time, not toooo cool, but not hot

  4. 98.6 is normal, but there are also small normal fluctuations, at two years old you should give Tylenol or something as the package says for comfort, hers and you  piece of mind. you try to cool them off  at 102 at 103+ if you cant get the fever down with Motrin or Tylenol take them to the ER they can tell you what to do and how high is way to high. under 100. i would give fluid and Tylenol. but not worry

  5. You can give her tylenol to help bring her temperature down.

    If it reaches 101, then you should call the doctor  :)

  6. As I recall, the rule of thumb is call the doctor anything over 100 degrees or lasting more than 48 hours.

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