
2 yr old hamster problem!?

by Guest59365  |  earlier

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yesterday my hamster was really cold and today he is hot and breathingg very fast. Whats wront? I know he's old but other than that he's okay. please help!




  1. The life span of hamster is two to three years. So aside from you knowing that,

    Is the temperature in the room always about the same?

    Hibernation: if the room temperature is allowed to drop below normal room temperature, hamsters will go into a sort of hibernating state, where they are very still and breathe very slowly. Many owners panic and think their hamster is dying or dead, when might be a matter of the hamster getting too cold (for exapmle if the owners go away for the day and turn the thermostat down in the house). Rewarming the hamster should be sufficient.

    Respiratory Infections: hamsters can get respiratory infections that can lead to pneumonia. Signs include sneezing, discharge from eyes or nose, wheezing and labored breathing. Occasional sneezing is not too worrisome, but if there is any loss of appetite, decreased activity, wheezing or difficulties breathing, immediate veterinary attention should be sought.

    Important Note About Cedar Bedding: cedar emits volatile compounds which are irritating to the respiratory tract (and may also cause changes in the liver). Pine shavings also release volatile compounds to a lesser but still significant extent. These beddings (particularly cedar) may also cause a skin sensitivity or allergy, and should be avoided. Aspen shavings or some other hardwood shavings are a better, safer option. See "The Problem with Cedar Shavings" and "Top Ten Alternatives to Cedar and Pine."

    I hope that helps.

  2. Ummm and you are asking this on the GradeSchooler board why?  I suggest you try the pet board.

  3. maybe its just too hot for him,

    make sure he has lots of water

    if he starts gasping it's not good :l thats how mine died and i think its just old age and their lungs give out

  4. he is on his way out ..sorry 2 -3 yrs is an OLD hamster

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