
2 yr old hit head, won't sleep

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My 2 yr old son hit his head pretty hard this afternoon, and he got a bump. I did not take him to the doctor, just gave him some tylenol. He is acting normally, and he took a nap this evening in the car. ( He always falls asleep on car rides)

He will not go to sleep now though. It is way past bedtime and I have to get up in 5 hours, but he will not lay down. I have given him more tylenol and I know he is tired, but laying down puts pressure on the bump on the back of his head, and he gets up. He is literally blinking to keep his eyes open, but he will not sleep.

Anyone know what I can do to help him? I have tried evrything I can think of...




  1. give him another ice pack and take him to the ER he has a serious concussion probably!

  2. take him to the doctor  

  3. if you think he is just uncomfortable then take him to bed with you and hold him while he sleeps. mommy can be the most comfy place when you don't feel good...if he slept earlier and he woke up fine without being lethargic or sick (vomiting) he should be ok without rushing to the ER and spending the rest of the night there for them to tell you to give him tylenol. If your mommy senses are saying take him to the doctor and the only reason your not is because it's late, then take him anyway and be tired tomorrow. you can also give him motrin between tylenol doses if you think he has a headache and the tylenol isn't enough.  good luck.

  4. well all i can tell you is first of all he shouldn't had took that little nap he could had fell into a comma and if the bump is a little bigger that normal you should take him to the hospital to have it checked out it could only be a concussion but still knowing is everything especially with toddlers

  5. If he's unable to go to sleep due to the bump maybe you should consider taking him to the doctor... maybe there's something else, in spite of the tylenol.

    He's probably tired as you say but lying down hurts... maybe he hit his head harder than you thought... head bumps are very tricky and could be serious.

    I know it's late and you have to get up early but you're up anyways since he wont sleep.

    Take him to the Doctor now! And have him checked up!

    Best of luck

  6. take him to the doctor...i wouldn't risk it if i were you, what if there is something that is terribly least call the answering service and see if they think you should take him to the emergency room.  my godson had a fall when he was 18 months and it resulted in a bump...his parents didn't take him to the doctor right away and the bump got bigger 2 days later, it ended up that he actually cracked his skull, it was much more serious than first anticipated and they were riddled with guilt that they did not take him to be checked right away... at least call the doctor, it's not worth the worry or guilt.  best of luck, i hope everything works out ok.

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