
2 yr old party RSVP notices? HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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As I said before I decided to have my daughters 2nd birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. I have to RSVP because you pay for the amount of kids that you reserve. Even thou I put RSVP some times people will say they are coming and not come, then there are some that won't RSVP and still show up. Is it ok to let them know in the invite to make sure they come if they RSVP because I would have paid for it and not show up if you don't RSVP because your child isn't paid for? If it is ok how can I word it?




  1. Well... you COULD handle it like a restaurant reservation system... You have a list of the names of those who RSVP'd that said they WOULD come... you have a list of names for those who RSVP'd that they would NOT come... and a list of names for those who never RSVP'd at ALL.

    Now... report to the management the number of those who said they WERE coming, and pay for ONLY THOSE PERSONS.

    The day of the party, post someone at the door with all 3 lists, and check off names as they arrive:

    --- RSVP ARE coming:  Welcome them with open arms

    --- RSVP NOT coming:  "We're SO sorry, but you said you were NOT coming, and there simply is NO ROOM for you right now.  If you would like to WAIT over THERE [point] for 15 minutes, we will see if there is an opening."

    --- NO RSVP at all:  "We're SO sorry, but you never RSVP'd, and we had to assume you had other plans, so there is simply NO ROOM for you at all.  Please accept our condolences."

    How's that?  You're guaranteed to lose some friends by this, but TRUE friends would RSVP and hold to their decision.  So the friends you have left are your TRUE friends (and not rude ones, either).

    The other alternative is to pay for everyone or, say, an additional 10% of persons for "show-ups"... ie... 100 "guaranteed show ups", pay for 110 people.  When 110 people show up... SHUT THE DOORS!

    As for what to put on your invitation concerning this situation, in an IDEAL world, the simple, RSVP would suffice.  But in the real world, you sometimes have to be cruel... but kindly so.  Put the wording as such:

    RSVP.... or expect to pay $XX dollars per person at the door.

    That's as KINDLY as it can be put!  That might put off some of those whom you didn't want to "put off," but you are the one who has to judge what consequences you wish to deal with... disgruntled guests or increased costs.

    Have a polite day.

  2. Absolutely have the people rsvp.  Let them know the management of the chuck e cheese wants an exact head count and deposit in advance.  

    You will still have to call the people that accepted and verify that they are still coming because you are about to pay chuck e cheese and give them the total head count for the party.

    Unfortunately, you will have to contact the people that did not get in touch with you and verify they are not able to attend and reiterate with about the downpayment and head count with chuck e cheese.  Find out if they are coming or not and tell them that if their plans change to let you know asap because it all has to be done by appointment and that you don't want to underpay or over pay.

    That should take care of most of your problems.  Unfortunately we have a tardy culture and people often don't respond as quick as they could to rsvp requests.

  3. Can you give the non-RSVP's a call a couple of days before?... say you are confirming because the restaurant needs a head count.  

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