
20/20 saved!! cricket from its slow death ??

by  |  earlier

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Do you think 20/20 and tournaments like IPL, Champions League SAVED cricket from its slow death ??




  1. It didn't save it but certainly added more entertainment & fun to it!

  2. On the contrary, I think it could be the death of cricket as we know it. And I mean the real English inspired cricket. I do not like how a certain nation is trying to get control of cricket by any means. It will never be theirs. It is a game that has been played between countries for many decades peacefully till India got the idea it should OWN cricket. I wish they would pull their heads in & let MCC govern cricket as they have always done.

  3. it will only brought death quickly

  4. T20 is the slow death of cricket

  5. i dont thinks so. Cricket was and still is the  fastest growing sport, and was and still is the second biggest sport after football. The IPL was only followed in the sub cotinent, despite it probaly having one of the biggest buildups ever in sporting history in countries like australia, new zealand, west indies, england, south africa, parts of africa, like kenya, and a lot of other asian and europe countries. It was even given a build up in canada, and even america. and yet it was still quite a failure outside of the subcotinent

  6. first of all 20/20 is not a cricket at all .you may get opinion from any one who loves cricket,played cricket. I'm associated with cricket in India for almost 40 years. it is mere commercialization of cricket.Test match alone is the real cricket and nothing else.this is administering medicine for immediate relief. but you can not give the same potency all the time. ODI with Kerr Packer killed test match. now 20/20 kills both instantly.

  7. YES

  8. No I do not think , there is no death for cricket in asia at least.

    As , Here its a Great Game and the people worship the cricket players. on the other Hand, rest of world the craze of cricket is not too much.

  9. yes! it was a sport that was lacking crowds and wasn't getting any better as the years went on, unlike rugby etc

  10. u r s not dying,its 1ly growing and t20 is 1 of its growth

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