
20 gallon tank, what do you reccomend?

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Its a 20 gallon standard sized tank. It is already stocked with 2 bettas (very calm male and female) 3 black skirt tetras, one octlinicous (little sucker fish) and one small ACF.

It did have 2 goldfish in it, but my brother decided to take them.

So now I have room for more fish. I want something not to small (to be the center of attention in the tank). Something funky with personality. I was thinking of a pair of gouramis, probably kissing gouramis, and maybe 2 more black skirt tetras.

Does that sound good, is there room for more if I get those fish? What would you get?




  1. I would go with a few more tetras and Otos, both work better in numbers. A couple more of each.

    Gourami can be a problem with betta, they are closely related and you may get agression when the betta mistake them for another betta. Kissing gourami also grow too big for a 20gal.

    If your 2 betta are happy to co-exist, cool. If the tank is large enough and they can have their own territory it can work.

    Other otions may be a small cichlid like a Kribensis or a Ram, a bristlenose or other small pleco or some small loaches like kuhli or zebra. In a group they are very active and fun to watch.


  2. I have a 55gal with a Betta and some Black Skirts and we also have an Albino Shark & Red-tailed Shark in there & they are always moving around & are a good centerpeice for the tank. We also have a Clown Loach in there which is nice because it adds color but he primarily stays towards the bottom so that's probably not the direction you want to go in. The other fish we have in that tank are Glo-fish, I know you want something bigger but they are so colorful and actice that the are nice to have in there. Good luck with your tank!

  3. i say stop putting fish in your gas tank

  4. I agree with the people that said to add a few more tetras and otos. These are schooling fish and do well in larger numbers.

    Do NOT add any gouramis. That will cause huge agression between the bettas. (Bettas are gouramis) and Kissing g. are very nippy and will love betta tails...

    Honestly your best bet is to get a few more ottos, and another black skirt or two. A cory cat wouldn't bother anyone either and theyre super funny and cute, and have some cool colorations.

  5. Dojos (weather loach) have a lot of personality because they sit inside the tank and watch what you are doing! I am not sure what an ACF is... Gouramis will pick on all the other fish in the tank and pretend they don't know WHAT killed them. A bunch of White Cloud Mountain Minnows is okay. Black Neon Tetras are sturdier than Neon Tetras. Albino Corydoras are sturdy.

  6. at least another 2 female fighters no more then tho

  7. I really think you're pushing it as is; it's better to understock than overstock. Plus, you have both tetras and otocinclus, which are both schooling fish; if you're going to push your bioload anymore, it should be to add to these shoals.

    Also, watch out for your bettas and their lovely fins. Tetras in general, and black skirts especially are notorious fin nippers. Make sure your bettas' tail don't start to appear ragged other time.  For that reason I wouldn't add gouramis, either.

    Anything with "personality," in fact, could be dangerous to your bettas. I always thought bettas were the center of attention myself.

    Sorry for not giving the most popular of answers, but perhaps if you got the bettas their own tank or rehomed the black skirts that might give you more options. I recommend killifish myself, or a Brazilian or Bolivian ramfish. I also agree with a small loach, but, again, I think they do better in groups.

    Goldfish, by the way, are coldwater fish, so they probably weren't very comfortable in a tropical community and I'm sure they're enjoying their new home!

    Edit: Glad to see you knew that about Goldfish--unfortunately I've learned to take nothing for granted in this hobby! I didn't realize what ACF meant, but those guys are dangerous. In general you shouldn't keep aquatic frogs with fish; in the case of African Dwarf Frogs, they'll be intimidated and forced into hiding, and African Clawed Frogs grow big enough to eat fish.

  8. Be careful with the bettas.  Males have a tendency to fight with females and vice versa.  Take the male out.  Black skirts can be nippy. The African clawed frog is also a problem.  As the frog starts growing, it will eat the other fish.  Try adding two more black skirts, they are shoaling fish.

  9. You are only supposed to keep one inch of fish per gallon of it sounds like you already have 7 fish which all are probably atleast an inch long..and possibly bigger..also you need to leave them some room to grow.. I wouldnt get but maybe 2 more at most, especially if you want bigger ones..i have some cherry barbs, and they are the cutest pair of fish to watch..they stick together like glue..but mine arent very big, but you may could find some bigger ones..the kissing gourmies are cute too..Good luck=)

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