
20 month old as a flower girl?

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I am a bridesmaid in my friends wedding and she has asked my daughter to be the flower girl. She will be 20 months old around that time. She was an early walker, already a talker, and developing fast. I am just afraid she might freeze or cry or something. I talked to the bride, and she is perfectly fine with something going "wrong" (makes for a cuter wedding story story). Also, the ring bearer is an adorable 5 year old that has down syndrome so I think they are kind of on the same level. Do you think she will be fine as a flower girl and do you have any reccomendations to prepare for the day? Thanks!




  1. maybe you can have her practice and have someone she knows waiting over on the other side (dad maybe) so if she gets scare at least she'll still walk down the aile to that person.

  2. my daughter was 22mths when she was a flower girl, she froze at first, but her little friend who was almost three pulled her down the aisle, then she was fine the rest of day, with photos etc, and my friend (her godmother) was so happy she had done it.

  3. I saw a wedding where the toddler came down in a stroller.  The small kind with no basket underneath (2 handles).  Anyway, the florist decorated it with flowers and ribbons and it was beautiful!  The 5 year old could push her down the aisle and she can drop flower petals as they go...  :)

  4. it will be cute--if the bride is fine with the "worst" happening, then whatever happens, happens. usuallly when people get all worked up about something, it usually always turns out to be perfect...have fun with it and just keep telling your 20 month old what she will be doing so she is prepared for it and make sure you mention ALL the people that will be watching her so she is prepared for a big audience, hoepfully that wont scare her--but girls like attention....

  5. for the girls to be that young, the mom usually ends up carrying or "walking" them towards the front.  so if the bride doesn't see anything wrong with it then so be it.

    for you though, practice, practice, practice.  if shes gonna be carrying a basket of flowers, then practice with a basket of flowers.  if all she does is walk in the aisle, then practice doing that.

    good luck!

  6. I had a 'too young' ring bearer and he did fine.  It sounds like the bride has the right attitude about the whole thing.  My recommendation is to watch the rehersal dinner the night before.  try to make sure sweetie is well rested.  Bring bribery candy that is not sticky or staining.  Have a good time.

  7. I think she's too young. With everyone staring.. she might walk over to a corner and start crying. I think you should with her or have the flower girl and ring bearer walk side by side.

  8. Have her "practice" before hand.  Give her a basket and a fancy play dress, and show her what her "job" will be.  There is a video for kids that I showed to my ring bearer that he loved and watched over and over before my wedding so he could "marry me the right way!" Kids are so cute, as long as your friend is fine with anything that might happen, and your daughter wants to do it, go for it!

  9. The only preparation all of you can have is to expect the worst... it's probably not going to go perfectly, but you never know.

  10. Just make sure the bride isn't just being nice to you, while cringing on the inside.

    The worst wedding I've been to featured a 3 year old flower girl kicking and screaming in the isle. The bride looked ready to join her.

  11. in my cousins wedding they had a 20 month old as well it worked out fine

    it was so cute she would throw the flowers and then pick them up!

  12. Way too young.  She is still a baby and more then likely will become upset, scared, etc. when the time comes for her to walk down the isle.  You can try and "prepare" her but nothing will compare to actually walking down an isle with strangers everywhere staring at her.  Flower girls are usually 5 years old.

  13. That would be fine. My daughter was a flower girl at 14 months, so adorable!

    And with the ring barerer walking with her, they should be fine. But maybe you should walk out behind them or another bridesmaid or a MOH. That way if they stop, you can give them a little nudge.

    And as long as the bride is ready for anything!

    My daughter(now almost 4) walked hand in hand down the aisle with her Daddy. It was precious! And then, she lifted the back of her dress, and everyone smiled and giggled. And the bride giggled as well when she saw the picture.

  14. Have her walk down the aisle and then take a seat in the back of the church w/ a relative.  You won't want her standing up at the front of the church for the ceremony as she will most likely not be interested in standing still for 15 or more minutes!  So, ask the bride if this is OK...the two kids walk down the center aisle, then they walk back up the side aisle, and take a seat in the back :)

  15. My sister and I were flower girls in our aunts wedding and while we were walking down the aisle we decided the flower baskets were too heavy so we set them down halfway down the aisle and left them and continued walking to the front.  It's everyone's favorite wedding memory!  I think for sure let her be the flowergirl.  Adorable pictures and lifetime memories.

  16. My daughter was a flower girl for my best friends wedding.. and i had to walk with her and throw the flowers as she had a tantrum and was scared... she was the same age.. my best friend didn't care and was happy that she had my daughter as a flower girl.. me on the other hand was a little embarrassed and upset that my daughter didn't do it right after all the training lol.. but hey thats a 18month old for you. Go ahead and make your friend happy.. she'll be happy regardless of the outcome...

  17. Yes, I don't think anyone will expect perfect behavior from a 20 month old.  If I were in your shoes, depending on your routine:   I would make sure she has been fed, napped, and used the potty.  Also, I would put her in her dress, as late as possible before the wedding, so she's not un-comfortable running around in a frilly dress.  I would bring something else for her to wear after the wedding if possible.  Good luck, have fun.

  18. As long as the bride understands that something may very well go wrong at the ceremony and she may end up without a flower girl, then why not. My friends flower girl fell asleep in one of the pews right before the ceremony started and slept through the whole thing.

  19. Most wedding coordinators don't recommend ring bearers or flower girls be any younger than 5 because it can be traumatic to toddlers.  It doesn't mean that people listen. There is nothing cute about a scared kid that is freaking out at a bunch of strange people standing there crying for mommy.  My son will be about that age in October and was asked to be a ring bearer for a family wedding. We declined because we know how traumatic unfamiliar people are to him as well as big crowds.  Personally I wouldn't recommend it.  If you did decline now then they would still be able to ask someone else in plenty of time for the wedding.

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