
20 month old picked up curse words?

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My son is 20 months old and has recently discovered how to say a whole bunch of new words. One of those new words is something he shouldn’t be saying. His daycare teacher told me she thought she heard him say “Oh s**t” and said she’d listen for it. She confirmed that she did in fact hear him say this. She told me and I listened for it. And last night he most definitely said the word and in the right context. Typically when he’s playing basketball and misses, he says the phrase.

I have started telling him that this is not a nice word and that we do not use this word. I thought about replacing it but oh shoot sounds just the same.

My husband and I are both going to watch ourselves very carefully and even put out a swear jar to buy him presents if we slip.

But how else would you help teach a 20 month old that certain words are bad? Ignore the word? Or explain it’s not a nice thing to say??





  1. You and your hubby are doing the right thing by  addressing your son's inappropriate language, and being cognizant of other language that may be bad for him to use. All you really can do is make sure you're consistent in teaching him which words are unacceptable, and consistent about the language you use in his presence as well. He will hear "naughty words"- that's just the harsh reality of life, but just be sure you limit the amount he hears, and practice what you preach. Good Luck

  2. Tell him that its not a nice word to use and that he shouldn't use it, if you hear him using it punish him. That should make him stop.

  3. i had the same problem with my 3 1/2 yr old. but he picked up a much more worse word... the dreaded F word! and i admit, me and my husband are guilty of saying it, but have been very careful about our language around him after this.

    the only thing was, he never said it at home around us! it was only at daycare. i would get constant complaints from teachers about it too. i had no idea how to fix it! we tried taking things away, time outs, and nothing would work. thank goodness he eventually stopped on his own.

    maybe instead of punishing him when he says a bad word, praise him when he doesn't. maybe make a progress chart and for everyday he doesn't say a bad word, give him a star.

    kids do this so they get attention, they don't care if its good or bad.

  4. thats not a bad word

  5. I wouldn't give it a lot of attention.  If he realizes that saying that gets a rise out of people, he might say it even more.  I think I would just keep reminding him that he is pronouncing it wrong.  It is pronounces shoot.....not sh*t :)

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