
20 month old talking yet?

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My 20 month old daughter has a very large single word vocabulary. She can repeat pretty much any word you ask her to and she knows enough words to tell me what she wants for the most part. The only 2 words she can put together are "bye _____"(bye mommy, bye daddy, bye truck...). My question is, how much is or was your child talking at 20 months old. im only concerned because one of my good friends has an almost 2 year old who was forming sentences at 20 months. and now she can almost carry on conversations. My daughter is very bright though! She knows her colors, she can do puzzles, and she follows instructions pretty well.




  1. My son is 2 1/2.  Like your daughter has a huge single word vocab.  He is starting to speak a little more sentences now.  Ever child is different.  My cousin's daughter is 2 weeks older than my son, and she speaks sentences and you can actually understand her.  I was worried too, but I ran into a friend and her son is a month older, and doesn't even speak sentences yet.  But, I know out of no where that my son is going to just start talking and won't stop!  Good Luck!

    Also my pediatrician recommended speech therapy, which now I am considering, just to prepare him for the classroom setting, so this could be an option for you too!  

  2. I am not an expert, but as part of my MA in linguistics, I did take a class in Child Language Acquisition.  Nothing about what you are saying sounds odd to me.  Sounds like your child is in the mimicking stage.  That is perfectly normal for her age.  Each child learns to speak at a different rate.  It has nothing to do with intelligence.  Give her a few months and she may be ahead of a child that was ahead of her right now.  There is no set rules, just guidelines based on averages.  If she were 3 and not making sentences, you should be concerned...not at 20 months.

  3. Well you daughter seems bright.....

    My friends son is 3yrs old and can barely say mom or dad and still uses diaper....

    and my lil nephew is exactly 20month and is not near to your daughters smartness

    i think for her age she is doing great, knowing her colors and all

  4. Children develop at their own pace.  My son was speaking quite well in 2 - 4 - word sentences at that age.  My nephew was just starting to put together 2 - word phrases on his second birthday.  Neither boy is smarter than the other; they are both bright children.  Your daughter sounds perfectly fine.  Just let her develop at her own rate, and rest assured that she's doing well.

  5. some kids can just talk a lot sooner and better than others. when my child was 20 months she was doing the same and your child. and i have a friend who has a niece who is just a few months older than my child and she can talk like she's 5 years old.. (there both 2) she can talk clearly and say anything and talk in sentences and everything. so there is nothing to worry about.. and also another friend of mind had a child who never said a work till they were 3 and when she did finally speak it was in sentences! it's like she was just soaking it all in and listening. so no worries!

  6. My 20month old son is at the same range as your daughter.He does put two words together alot though.If she talks alot I would not worry about it one bit.Pretty soon you will be able to hold a conversation with her.Some kids just talk more than others.

  7. Don't worry, it will all come in good time!  My son was almost the same way, he was only taking in single words.  (he was also calling things according to what sound they made motorcycle would be vroom, vroom)  but, then all the sudden he just started taking, and talking, and talking!  Most likely your daughter will be the same way.  Give it time, she'll get there.  

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