
20 points each answer opinions needed pls girls personalities hispanic white black asian how they each flirt?

by  |  earlier

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cuz what i ve seen white girls are easy to break you up and hispanic are for long relation blacks are more phisisly idk




  1. I don't know what your asking

  2. Every girl is different. The things you said in your question are all stereotypes..... The color a person is born does not predetermin how they flirt. So.... if you see a girl you like, just try to get to know her for who she is regardless of her race. =)

  3. you sound like a racist to me your ethnicity has nothing to do with your flirting habits. and flirting is something that happens naturally you can't practice it and if you do it sucks.  

  4. Every girl flirts differently. It doesn't matter where they are from or what color their skin is.  

  5. It doesnt matter the race it matters what the girl is about! I ahve seen black girls who are easy and white girls who will bust the cap in your *** if you try and **** up your relationship. You have to figure out what the girl is about, judging a women like this is what lamee guys do so yuh.

  6. I'm white. But I dont really get your question...

  7. There is no truth to that.

    Each girl is different.

    Everybody has their own personality.

  8. Well I'm white, and I have been in a relationship with the same man for almost 8 months.

    My friend is hispanic and she hates long-term relationships.

    And my other friend is black and she stays away from dating period.

    So I would work on your theories.

    Race doesn't inflict personality.

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