
20 weeks pregnant and really getting worried?

by  |  earlier

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Heya please help me stop worrying. I am 20 weeks pregnant and have felt the baby kicking for 2 weeks now, i have been put on antibiotics for some sort of sinus infection and i havent felt the baby move in 2 days at all. I have a doppler at home and have been madly checking his heartbeat and its fine 155 bpm. Why havent i felt him, i know the midwife will just check his heartbeat. Should i be feeling him regularly now? I do have a low lying placenta so i don't know if that has anything to do with it





  1. if theres a heart beat then bubs fine, they have days when they dont move much just like us we have lazy days. Im pregnant with number 3 and have had that happen with each pregnancy.

  2. dont stress!!!!!!!! i didnt feel any real movement until after 24 weeks, if you are concerned contact your doctor. xx

  3. when your this early you dont feel them as much as you do later i just went through the same thing its so natural to worry i felt like i was holding my breath waiting for movement thank god i did hun if your really worried go to the doctors and his h/b is good i wish you well i had placent previa with my last so try to take it easy as much as you can but that wont stop you feeling him also he might have changed his moving and he might move more while your sleeping

  4. You are fine! If you can hear his heart beat, then all is well. Babies go thru a few days of just being lazy every once in a while. Im 24 weeks and at least every two weeks, he won't move for 2 days. He's just chillin. Also, when I had to take a certain medicine one day, I slept the WHOLE day and didn't feel the baby move that whole dayor the next. Maybe the medicine calms him down a lot too? I don't know. But I DO know that if you hear his heart, everything is fine :o)

  5. If you have been feeling him regularly for two weeks, and recently haven't felt him at all, you  need to go into the office.  My doctor says any time you dont feel them kick for a day to call.  Try drinking a glass of orange juice and sitting still and see if that helps.

  6. ur baby is prob fine but i would go to the midwife and tell her all you have told us as its better to be safe rather than sorry plus it will put your mind at rest. x

  7. Please don't panic!  It's great that you have heard the HB.  I also got worried when I hadn't felt bubs for a few days at around 20 weeks, and called my midwife.  She said that prior to 30 weeks, it is common to have a few days when you feel little or no movement, particularly if you have an anterior placenta.  Being low lying, your placenta will reduce how much you feel in terms of kicks towards your cervix and possibly bladder as well.  If you want to try and make him move for reassurance - try sitting down and relaxing, and drinking a nice cold drink!  Sometimes a hot drink will do it as well.  And sometimes, neither work LOL.

    I am now 27 weeks, and still have days when bubs is really quiet, but generally now if I sit still for a few minutes, I can either see movement or feel it.

    Hang in there, it sounds like your little boy is doing fine with that heart rate spot on where it should be.  ;)

  8. He's probably not kicking cuz he realized it's useless?

    You know, baby can think =)

    To all you abortionists =P

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