
20 year old from canada Problem with Left eye it seems 'droopy' ! Help Please..?

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Hey, well I've went to go see a eye doctor.. and I even mentioned that my left eye's eyelid droops a bit lower when I'm tired and that it seems to concentrate on my nose sometimes unwantingly...

He says he notices nothing.. and it took alot of 'personal' power to come front with the problem and he says theres nothing.. when friends and family say there is a slight problem...

I've had this problem starting when I was 13... I think its from over-use of computers my whole life.

If I go any wheres public with a lot of people I'd start getting a headache and my eye/eyes will get irritated and dry...

Where in Toronto should I go to see a specalist.. I'm not rich at all and usually appointments cost alot.. but i'd really like to solve my problem so I'd get enough confidence to find myself another girlfriend!!!

Thanks So Much People!




  1. Your "problem" is not really anything to worry about. My daughter and I have the same thing happen when we are tired. Headaches are a different story. You can see your primary physician for that. It maybe fatigue, migraines etc.

  2. How droopy is the eye? You say it happens when you are this everyday as the day wears on or just on select occassions?

    I suppose it is very possible that your eyes are just tired and thats the cause though there is a possibility that its a condition called Myasthenia Gravis. This is a problem with the way the body processes the chemicals that are released in the space between tiny nerve endings. People frequently start off with eye symptoms like you describe...they start off fine and then as the day wears on they have a harder and harder time keeping their eyes open and their lids from drooping.

    Before you see a specialist, you may want to go back to your primary care doc and ask about this problem. I would keep a record about when this seems to happen, what you are doing at the time, things that make it better, etc.. You may want to have someone take a picture of you when you are having the problem so that you can show the doctor. This way, you go in with as much info as possible. I would also ask around in the family and see if anyone else has a problem with something called an autoimmune disease like lupus, sjogren's disease, MS, or myasthenia.

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