
20 years ago today, where were you and what were you doing when you heard about The Trade?

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I just can't help but run the Kenny Rogers song "Twenty Years Ago" as I think about it.,98452




  1. Watching Sportcentre on TSN going ??huh WTF??

    I mean ??eh WTF??

  2. I was 15 and at the time didn't care about hockey. I didn't start watching 'til 1991.

  3. i was four years from being born

  4. I was almost 12, in California, recently back from a month's vacationing in Europe and we weren't like the Griswalds lol .. could see it would finally bring attention to hockey on the West Coast but I thought to myself LA doesn't deserve Wayne, they already have stars Magic Johnson, Orel Hershiser, Marcus Allen, Bo Jackson, Jim Everett, Marcel Dionne and a Quebecois kid named LUUUUUUC ROBITAILLE

    20 years later one can really see how it helped jump-start hockey in the US there would have always been teams in the Northeast and bigger cities in the Midwest, but a marquee player like that really helped the game to expand on a nationwide basis. More needs to be done because too many Americans don't know s**+* about hockey, but I wouldn't put teams in just any city either. It remains a disgrace that Quebec City, Winnipeg, and Hartford lost their teams. (So did Minnesota but at least a new one has been put there)

  5. i was a little sperm cell in my daddy:)

  6. I would have just turned 2, so i think you would get a better idea as to where I was, if you ask my Mother.

  7. I was at work on 2nd shift.

  8. I was in Calgary watching Astroboy (The Cartoon) and remember relatives celebrating when they heard Gretzky was traded. At the time I didn't understand why.

  9. Wasn't born  

  10. Well I was 4 years old so....

    I vaguley remember the Opening Ceremony in Calgary that year.... other than that I don't remember a thing from 1988

  11. I was probably stoned off my gord playing drums! Atleast I am honest!

  12. it is not bad if you like hillbilly music  

  13. I wasn't born.

  14. I wasn't born!  :(

  15. I was driving home from work at about 4:00 and I was stuck in traffic.  It was a very hot day and my car didn't have a/c.  My heart sunk down into my stomach.  I couldn't wait to get home to talk to my brother (only a few people had cell phones then).

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