
20 years in the Marines infantry

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is it possible to make a carreer in the Marines being a grunt and still have sanity when i get out and if i join in 2010 am i almost guarnteed to be deployed to iraq or afganistan not that i'm worried about just asking. thanks




  1. yes you can make it a career. And officers are not necessarilly looked at better, because they didn't go to boot. A lot of Marines see a lot of crazy stuff, so that's your decision. I think its a great career. In your contract you are guaranteed you will be deployed, but not necessarilly to Iraq, but you are talking 2 years away. Who knows what the standing of the war will be. is a good site to visit. you can talk to live grunts who made it a career. If you are up to it, maybe you should consider recon. That's truly hardcore. Good Luck! oh, and you can be higher than a gunnery sergeant. it's not like its impossible. oorah.

  2. Being a Marine is not like TV. I did learn alot about life, it will definately wake you up to life.

    John W USMC DISABLED. UrrrrAH!!!!!

  3. Yes!

  4. Yes its possible but as you age and mature you will see life very different ..All the things that are cool right now will not be later on..

    And as a career grunt in the USMC you will not be doing all the fun things..

    Iraq NO, Afghanistan I would say yes..You need to learn that the USMC is not all about war and killing and c**p like that..There is alot more to being a Marine then what you think..Believe it or not the USMC exists during peace time also..I hope you are as motivated to serve as a Marine during these times.

  5. Dude, if you want to make it a career. GO ROTC and go in as an officer. That's what I plan to do. Because I don't know about you, But I don't want to be screamed at for 20 years. Officers are treated better and have much more opportunites when they leave the service.

  6. Yea you"ll end up being a Gunny if your a good leader. Don't go officer they have to do more and more paper work as they gain rank, that and who needs money if your a career Grunt.

  7. sure its possibel to be grunt but not 20 years if you are not progressing within good time you will be out. yes if you go in you will proably be in one of those places the best of the best go places like tha first.

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