Hi, I bought a 2nd floor condo in late 2005 and had tile put in (800 sf) before moving in. Within 6 months the tile started cracking. Lowe's (who installed it) had 4 different people come out and looked at it and said the joists are too far apart, like 22 inches instead of 18. This wasn't disclosed before I bought it, and I doubt the old owner knew as he had carpet in there. Anyways, I now have a worthless, cracked floor and Lowe's says I need to tear it all out, put down new, thicker plywood, and 'maybe' I'll be able to do nail-down wood floors. The original project cost 8K, they're offering me $2500 towards fixing this. All I know is that if I try to sell the place I'll have to disclose the joist issue, give a flooring allowance (if I don't get it fixed) and I'm out (after the Lowe's money back) $6500. Who is responsible? The home builder is out of business, my home insurance doesn't cover it, and the inspector is not liable for structural things like this because it's not visible. What should I do??