
$200 was stolen from me, how do I confront my main suspect??

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The money was in cash, in a locked safe and I carry the key on me at all times except when I'm sleeping. The only person that could have had access to the key was my BROTHER who lives with me. My brother also has some expensive habits which would make me believe he would steal the money.

My brother and I are great friends and always get along, I really don't want to mess up anything, I don't know why he would do something like that. I have NEVER stolen money from anyone and don't know why someone would do it to me, let alone my own brother.

What would be a good way to confront him about this and how should I ask him if he stole it?

Is there any way of tricking him into accidentally telling me?




  1. Ask him if he had seen it or know what you did with it.  If you ask him he will probably get defensive and just say no.  I had that problem with my boyfriend, he still won't admit it but I know he did it... I've tried it all and if he's a good lier, or even a bad one but stubborn, he won't tell.  Sorry, honestly if he's going to confess, it will be over time on his own, I doubt you could force it.  Good luck though.

  2. yea, tell him the 200 was supposed to be a gift to him, but he can't get it now because "someone stole it".

  3. bring it up like you can't remember what you did with it.

    Did I put it in there or did we spend it last weekend?

    Maybe I just dreamed I had that much extra cash?

    Notice any of his new possessions or activities which would indicate a sudden influx of his income.

  4. say something like... 'do you know who could have stolen money from me? Because I was saving up to buy you an awesome birthday gift ... but I'm sorry, I cant get it for you anymore, not until we can find the heartless scum that stole my money. I'm going to get my key and safe dusted for prints, and press felony charges against the person who's prints shouldnt be there, unless the money appears on my table by the time I get back.. so can you please get a hold of anyone that you know that came into our house '

    then you leave the house... come back in three hours.

    when he asks how it went... if the money isnt there.. just say, 'the police are taking care of it'

    nothing more... dont talk to him at all.

    ( if he thinks he's going to jail for a long time he will bust it out.)

    And if you told him/ rubbed it in his face that you had money in your safe... then that's your problem... be smarter next time. dont worry about impressing people, it will s***w you over.

    and plus, know that in some states they dont consider it theft worthy of police interference if it's under $500... and if you think about it.. $200 isnt a h**l of a lot. I mean it's a lot right now.. but you'll get over it.

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