
200 years time. Which current minority will have more influence on Australian society. Islam or Aborigine?

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Polar opposites. Minorities in themselves now, but definately one more adept at demanding attention than the other. Will either have any influence on our social outcome? One laid back,waiting and accepting; one eventually demanding of social change. 200 years. How will we look? With Australia and NZ looking green in the future, compared to a lot of the planet, do you envisage many social problems with the people who are going to flock here? There will be a great many.




  1. Just look at their birth rates and you can see who will have the most sway. At present, Aborigines are h**l bent on destroying themselves with alcohol and drugs, whilst a family of six or more children is a common event in an Islamic household. I rest my case!!

  2. Islamics will have more influence as they will have achieved more through their architecture and politics. Politically, despite the recent  discourse of unfortunate events, they are responding to this discourse, Australian Muslims are creating new narratives of belonging which either reinforce or reject the underlying messages that situate them outside mainstream. The Aborigine, with their simple culture will always remain a historian draw.  As they say, Aussies do believe in "a fair go" for everyone.  I hope that lasts.

    You may want to read Multiethnic Australia: Its History and Future , by Celeste Lipow Macleod


    As you disappeared for a while, Homebrew,  I saved an explanation for you when I wasn't able to retort...yeah, I'm tenacious.  That poem you critiqued about tense, "I've" or I' goes:

    Thanks for your comment on "hungry," but "(I'd) remained" was not what I wanted to say, because I started with "I have (I've)," panhandled...., and wanted "hungry" to remain in the same tense as panhandled (present perfect tense*).  It was only after I explained (to the jerk in the poem's fantasy) that "...I've remained" that way because I was continually wandering around in a "catacomb," with no live folks to beg information from to understand the jerk;  that he kept trying to continue to play head games.  Thus, he kept giving me the same lines over and over again, that I wasn't buying it.  Anyway, the last line was in the present  (I am not/ I'm not) as I was completing the transaction with him, letting him know that I wasn't 'hungry enough (metaphor)" to put up with his bovine poopoo anymore.

    *Present perfect tense describes an action that happened at an indefinite time in the past or that began in the past and continues in the present... I've panhandled in the catacombs of your perplexing mind..."hungry" (a state of being at that time in the past).

    **Past perfect tense describes an action that took place in the past before another past action; e.g..I'd panhandled in the catacombs of your perplexing mind (before I caught onto you, you jerk).

    I was speaking in present perfect tense referring to a time in the past until I got to present tense.  Does Y.A. have an English comp section?

    If you have forgotten the poem, it's still on my profile.

    Peace, love, and all that "fluff," Homebrew.

  3. Islam

  4. ...just to correct the aptly named ms knowall, we aren't ALL destroying ourselves with ' alcohol and drugs'.  

    Comparatively there are more Aboriginal people who DON'T drink, smoke or do drugs, there are comparatively more Aboriginal communities that have banned alcohol in their communities, which begs me to ask whether 'white' communities would even dare to ban the sale of alcohol which kills so many members of the greater australian community?

    The question:  Aboriginal numbers continue to grow, as does Islam, so each group will be destined by sheer numbers alone to influence the country in years to come.  But minority groups have more rights now, including g**s, disabled people, people of colour and different religious persuasions, you will notice this isn't the same country it was 200 years ago.

    Your comment about 'One laid back,waiting and accepting; one eventually demanding of social change', makes me ask you which group is waiting and which is demanding?  Each of the two groups share the demands for the same rights of the broader community to the right of existence and the freedom to be culturally/religiously/socially different, although not apart.

    The country in 200yrs won't be recognisable, as much as someone from 200yrs ago wouldn't recognise the place as it is now...why worry?  As long as we educate our children to be honest, fair and just, we are leaving the country/planet in good hands.

  5. I don't plan on being alive in 200 years time so I really couldn't say.

  6. I can assure you that Islam will be converted long before 200years are up in fact these are the last days and time is so short  that there is nothing to do but watch and pray.

    Believe me, I am a prophet of God.

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