
2000 Ford Focus problem with Wheel Bearing....????

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I replaced the bearings in both front tires less than 6 months ago and already the bearing in the right side went out. Any Ideas?




  1. Bad bearings or incorrect torque.

  2. too much grease or not enough? Best to let the shop do it

  3. I'll make assumptions to answer this. Assuming you had this done by a qualified technician and the work was done correctly, the right front may have a bad hub. The hub isn't necessarily replace with the bearing. It is pressed into the center of the bearing and it is what the wheel bolts to. If the hub is bad, it could cause the bearing to go bad. Now, assuming this was a qualified technician who did your repair, that person should have noticed and informed you if it indeed has a bad hub. If the repairs were not done by a qualified technician, then theree are simply too many variables to begin to guess what may have gone wrong. Whoever answered incorrect torque could probably only be correct if the bearing were left loose as the torque spec. on a pressed front wheel drive unitized bearing is so high that even the best technicians simply tighten them until they won't tighten anymore. That is due to the fact that most automotive repair shops industrial air compressors cannot put out enough pressure to overtorque the bearing.

  4. Did you use good parts or junk who did it, if they go in ****** they will only last a short time but they will bolt in

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