
2000 year old computer starts to reveal secrets.?

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A bronze device, found in a Roman shipwreck of around 80BC seems to be an astronomical computer.

Can you believe this?




  1. Devices to assist in celestial navigation have been around for at least 5000yrs, so this is just a refinement of older technology. Read up on the druids and polynesians.

  2. Anything is possible

    Stonehenge was a stone astrological calculator.and that is supposedly  older than the great Pyramid

    There is a documentary called --what did the ancient Greeks do for  us --on Discovery channel.

    And it describes a series of devices that is amazing ,they were far more advanced and technical than most people know .

    the Greeks we know better that came like 1000 years later were dumb by comparison.

    So copper astrological calculators can be believed easily.

    Under Olmec Temples they found huge plates of smooth machined Bakelite,which could have been components in huge transmitters there is no other possible explanation


    and they were hidden  below the ground so could not have been >ornamental ,On top of that there was no Bakelite to be found locally,too many Mysteries rolled into one ,Why ,How and What for

    Smooth tunnels with walls like glass in Peruvian mountains also defy understanding.

    Holes in Pyramids that line up with specific stars on certain days .turning the pyramids into huge astrological calculating devices also reveal intimate and advanced knowledge of the cosmos.

    Always Astrology ,does that not suggest something???

    I disagree with Chris who says it could be refinement of older technology.

    I think it could be  the other way around ,like me making a primitive level from two sticks set at an angel with a measured cross bar and a weight on a string ,because i am too far from the shops to buy a modern one .

    Egyptians,Greeks  ,Mayas ,Aztecs,Chinese,Persian etc  all have evidences of  greater civilizations before them.

    the earliest Pyramid in Egypt is the greatest

    The Aztecs and Mayas both said that they were but shadows of the greatness of their forefathers.

    And when one reads Enki`s book (if indeed it is real,),many things start to make sense

    Which was written very similar to the style of the Emerald tablets of Thoth ,Bearing in mind that all are translations from the most Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics

    However  the contents all connect with later events that we know in distorted or different ways .from the accepted scriptures

    And these writings reveal knowledge of advanced technology,Biology at molecular level,Scientific achievements such as creating live forms using genetic material and  including space travel ,

    computers seems mild compared to that.


  3. well i am sure that the humans before our time was more advance than us or else how did they build the pymairds my answer to  the pymaird is that the aliens helped them lol

  4. Ever heard of a book called 'the Bible Code'? or it's sequel 'the Bible Code II: the Countdown'?

    The author purports the Old Testement of the Bible --or maybe just the Torah--in the original Hebrew contains codes of all of history. That it was written by an 'Intelligent Being' in code similar to computer coding/language.

  5. oh my family talked about how maybe the human species might be destoyed when they are at their peak of technology and when the human comes back and grows again(i dont no how), it happens again and again and

  6. It's amazing in terms of the complexity of the mechanism and it's careful, miniature design. Similar mechanisms from similar time periods have been known but this is the best and the most sophisticated example found. It's often described as the world's oldest known gear-driven analog computer.

  7. I take this and all the other things i have read at face value.. not sure if this is fiction or nonfiction.. i need more data on this.

  8. I have actually heard of that. It's so amazing! I cannot believe it.

    People say that the ancient civilizations were, well, stupider then us who lived in primitive ways. But really, could we do everything with the knowledge, materials and technology they had? I sincerely doubt it.

  9. yes the Greeks were VERY well adapt at making 4 dimensional time space compassses  check out Pythagorean Mathematics  or the Quadrivium

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