
2001 Pontiac Sunfire Aftermarket radio install?

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I Need help installing a pioneer head unit. And I wanted to know if I have to get the expense wiring harness. Cause if it is just because of a door chime i really could careless. It is a 2 dr coupe with no power in it 2.2lit just your basic car.




  1. the wiring harness makes it plug and play to he factory connector. You could go without it, but you would need to get the wiring diagram for your stock stereo so you could hook the new one in, and you would have to cut the factory connector out. If you are not afraid to do this, then it is fine if you do it, but if you have no idea what you are doing, I would get the wiring harness....

  2. you may lose more than just your door chimes

    this is for a 2000, hope it helps

    Constant 12V+ Orange  

    Switched 12V+ Yellow  

    Ground Black  

    Illumination Gray  

    Dimmer Brown  

    Antenna Trigger Pink  

    Antenna Right Front  

    Front Speakers 4" x 6" Doors

    Left Front (+) Tan  

    Left Front (-) Gray  

    Right Front (+) Light Green  

    Right Front (-) Dark Green  

    Rear Speakers 6" x 9" Rear Deck

    Left Rear (+) Brown  

    Left Rear (-) Yellow  

    Right Rear (+) Dark Blue  

    Right Rear (-) Light Blue  

    or you could try this

    you will need to buy a wiring harness that connects to your radio and factory wires, or you could hard wire it- here's how

    factory radios have extra wires that are not needed with an aftermarket install most of the time (wires that control the dimmer on the radio, speed sensitive volume)

    you will need three power wires (constant, ignition, and ground), plus your speaker wires

    use a test light to test your wires, usually at the radio the yellow wire is your constant, the red is your ignition, and black is always ground

    to find your constant use the test light, it will be hot at all times so that your radio can remember the time, and your settings- next you need your ignition, it is only hot when the key is on or in the accessory position, to tell the radio when to come on- the ground is self explanatory

    to find which wires go to what speakers all you need is a 9v battery, put the positive end to a wire and test all of the other wires to the negative side and you will hear a crackling noise from a speaker when you have the right combination

  3. It honestly isn't difficult at all to do it without the wiring harness. You just need to know your diagram and no you probably will not have a chime. Remember, once you cut that baby off there's no going back. But you don't have a factory amp, so the harness is like 9 dollars, why not just buy the harness?

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