
2001 Taurus keeps leaking oil, even after 6 repairs?

by  |  earlier

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I have no idea what's going on, but my Taurus keeps leaking oil (about one drop per inch of road, so). It runs a little hotter than mid-point, and when I'm stopped at lights, it visibly smokes a little.

The thing is, I've spent probably 2k in repairs for JUST AN OIL LEAK at the dealership, but it keeps coming back. 64k mileage, what can I do at this point, I don't trust the dealer since he doesn't seem to be doing a good job.

Is this even a serious problem? I've read some places that a minor oil leak in older cars is normal and no cause for concern. Thoughts?





  1. You're getting taken for every time you're willing to spend. The dealership knows what they're doing because you keep coming back and paying them as long as they leave the leak.  

    Try to look under your car to see where the leak is occurring. Do you see oil around the oil filter, or oil pan? Once you find out exactly what is leaking, take your car to a regular mechanic,NOT the dealership. They should easily be able to fix an oil leak.

    And for goodness sake, if you value your money, stop going to dealerships unless a regular mechanic says you need to.

  2. first you never go to a dealer for repairs...cost will be higher and less know the last place to go... always,,,, dealer in business to sell not fix...and yes any oil leak serious problem... but many are easy to fix.. find a shop to work on your car.. ask your friends where they go... or start looking for places that have a lot of cars there every day is a good sign they have good business and oil leaks are normal but never good.. find a good job and have it looked at

  3. I think you should go back to the dealer and tell them they didn't fix it right like they said they would.

    Typically the pan seal is the source of the leak. While a gasket may be the usual repair, they need to add an extra sealant to it since you probably have a slight bend in it at some point.

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