
2003 grand caravanhigh beam and all other lights work low beam dont . what could it be?

by  |  earlier

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checked fuses. all good . it dont seem that both low beems would go out at the same time




  1. you need to check the dimmer switch on that one,they was bad to go out,and i have seen both bulbs blow out at the same time,but its very rare when this happens,check for power at the bulbs when their on dim and not working that will tell you if its the bulbs or that you have just lost power to them,most of the time its the dimmer switch that causes that too happen,use a 12 volt test light to find out if its got power to the plug for the bulb,good luck with it.

  2. could be bulbs

    you also probably have two separate hdlt relays in he fuse box under the hood

    could also be a multifunction switch or hdlt switch if separate

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