a moment ago I attempted to start my XUV. key in ignition, turn, and all i get is a oddly soft noise, such as a start going out. i have indication that the battery was working since the radio and a/c had come on even if the engine didn't. i give it a moment, check to see if the car is in gear, parking brake, etc....turn the key again and an oddly soft clicking, electronics on, but engine doesn't come on. so naturally my first thought is the starter went out. just to make sure, i attempt to start my car again and now all the electronics aren't working, i can't even turn the ignition in order to get my keys out of it, no clicking, no battery operated things coming on. so now i'm thinking it may be some anti-theft system that has decided to lock up everything.
please note that i just had work done to the car since i was recently in a car accident in which parts of the engine and bumper were replaced.
mind you, my car worked perfectly well yesterday, multiple times. and it was today in which one of my kids attempted to get into my car and set off an alarm. mind you, i never had any alarm/security system activated for the car since purchase. and i terminated my onstar subscription.
what could possibly be going on with my XUV, and how can i fix it myself (if possible)?