
2005 Pontiac Grand Prix Coolant Leak

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I recently bought a pontiac grand prix. a week later the car was overheating so i took it to a gm dealer to have it checked, it turns out that the resovouir tank was cracked and needed to be replace so i purchased a new one then 2 weeks later it started to overheat again now im wondering what could be the problem because they told me that the intake manifold gasket was not cracked and that the only reason it was leaking and overheating was because of the resovouir tank. does anyone have an idea what it could be?




  1. Check to see if your radiator coolant fan(s) are working.  Also check for coolant flow throught the entire core of the radiator and hoses.  A big help is to have use of a heat therm IR thermometer.  In place of an IR thermometer, can palm your hand over the core of the radiator to check for cold spots.

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