First off, I'm skinny, weight is not an issue. I checked air filter, spark plug, and check to make sure hoses and things were intact. I changed motor oil and the gear oil. I havent looked in the carb yet cuz i have never done that. It looked great like 4 months ago though. Im not sure what all the battery would do while its running. THIS is an example of what happens-- i pull out of drive way, it picks up( still not as fast as it did) and about 200 feet or so later it just winds down slowly until it just dies out. THEN after it dies, when i try to start it, the sound of it starting sounds funnier than usual. i could explain it like-- a heart monitor. The normal beat would be the normal winding sound of pretty much any car or whatever. Mine kinda flatlines-- like one long winding sound without a break- like wuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....... rather than wuh..wuh..wuh..wuh..wuh. But it eventually starts. It also wants to die on me when stopped sometimes. Its NOT the idle. Moped dealer miles away.