
2005 formula 1 season question?

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what happened to ferrari, i understand would have won the championship if ferrari wouldnt have had so many mistakes, i saw schumacher had to retire alot, what happened he would have won another champion ship, and who else think if mclaren would have don better and feerrari won mclaren got 2nd place? renault was handed down the sht fck alonso he cheated!!




  1. heres the ferrari boss luca montzemolon got so emotionally attached with the ferrari f2004 that he went on to describe it to every one he met including the press that it was the best car to roll out of maranello till that its ok..and could be they had won 13races in what they did is that they took the same f2004(with minor modifications) and raced it in 2005 that f2004 showed that its now old grandpa and he was promised a holiday in ferrari museum after the end of 2004 season(it had worked  so hard that season) but ferrari broke the promise and u see what happened...after that ferrari quickly in Bahrain introduced the f2005 and things got a bit(i mean it) a bit better but not as much....and hence the season was spoilt....

    ferraris this unwanted risk taking habit had recently caused raikkonen a possible podium..or maybe even a win at silverstone...(u knw kimi and hami left pits together) if they may have put wet weather tyres on kimis car instead of leaving the intermidiates on....

  2. Alonso won through consistency, McLaren lost through inconsistency with a faster car, Ferrari were off the pace.

    Nothing to do with driver or car, Ferrari were simply on an inferior tire.

  3. 2005 was Renault's breakout year.

  4. F1 Championship is a marathon, not a sprint.  Part of what makes a champion a chamion is that he maximizes his points over the entire season- ny minimizing breakdowns and avoiding driver errors.  

    Otherwise they would just have a drag race and give it to the fastest car.

  5. New tyre rules where introduced for the 2005 season to stop the Ferrari-Schumacher era, and yes sadly it did. However it wasn't always Ferrari or Schumacher's fault. The Tyre company (bridgestone) where not able to produce decent enough tyres to meet the standards that where require that season.

  6. McLaren and Ferrari simply started the season badly, with Schumacher making some driving errors and the Ferrari letting him down on a couple of other occasions, while Raikkonen broke his McLaren as usual...he only actually had two mechanical retirements all year, but he damaged the car in non-race-ending ways in other races, which cost him points. By the time they both got their act together in mid-season, it was too late to catch Alonso. After race 7, the European GP, Alonso led the championship by 32 points from Raikkonen and Trulli, and he was a massive 43 points ahead of Schumacher.

    Alonso simply did what Schumacher had done for 4 years: he took advantage of having a car which never let him down and was fairly fast (although not the fastest) to rack up all the points he needed by mid-season while the other teams got themselves organised. He didn't have a single mechanical retirement all year (and only made two driver errors too), which is how he managed to beat the faster McLarens over the whole season.

    Raikkonen really should have won the championship that year. Schumacher wasn't ever really in the hunt, and it wasn't all down to the Ferrari team...for the first time since 1998, he didn't have the best car, it wasn't any more complicated than that.

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