
@2007-China has the highest Carbon Credit,14% greater than US.?

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How can this tendency of a developing country to overlook GreenDiplomacy be changed??

What should be done by China??.




  1. With largest population and consumerism, naturally, the carbon credit will be higher.  The Chinese government and the people of china, had been educated and enacted laws to reduce the carbon credit.  Within a short period, you can see and seesaw change and let us all hope so.

  2. china is doing much more than america. theyve passed laws to ban cars that put out a certainn amount of emisions. this is part of the reason all the american car companies are going out of business. all the other countries can no longer buy them because they produce too much carbon. when it comes to population vs carbon produced america is the worste. All countries need to apply these laws. remember when all the major countries worked together to stop the hole in the ozone from spreading? America is the worst country by far when it comes to global warming. watch al gores movie hes got all the statistics.

  3. I know... its so sad... But Im doing my part!!  I idle my car after every driving excursion, I turn on lights in rooms I dont use, I drive more frequently -taking the long way to every place I go to- and I proudly display the American flag.

    May the Chinese communist government go the way of the Soviet Union!

  4. Those b*****d chinese we should go war at them not iraq...!

  5. I hereby wave a proud one-fingered salute to anyone who thinks they have the authority to place ANY mandate upon what the sovereign United States of America does within her own borders.

    "carbon credits" are the ultimate BS game in the world right now.  They are a load of c**p designed to suck more money out of YOU.

    But, if you really want to change what China does?  Quit buying their cheap disposable plastic c**p from Wal-Mart!  Most of the 'carbon' that China spews comes from factories producing what the US buys.


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