
2007 Mini-Cooper broken into. How?

by  |  earlier

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No sign of visible entry, nothing major stolen, but someone was clearly in car...Car has keyless entry, but that was diabled.

Is it possible for a thief to disable the car through a remote device?





  1. Any thief can get into any vehicle with or without the remote or the keys and at the same time not even set off the alarm system...........

  2. Yes defiantly, quick question tho.... you did lock it didnt you?

    Check with BMW for warranty recalls, there are ways to short out central locking systems and if this happens safety default is UnLock ! , just as if the car plunged in to a lake and the electrical system shorted out the locks fail safe position is UNLOCK, some Honda's are LOCK, Ford, BMW etc are UnLock fail safe.

    I'm not going to tell you what to look for as this put ideas in peoples heads how to do it... so... take the car to the dealer and tell them that the security system for the central locking was tampered with and somehow someone gained entry and stole stuff... they will know what to look for..

    Good luck

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