
2007 Mustang...adding headers??

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My bf has a 2007 Ford Mustang that is a V6. He already has the Ford Racing performance package which includes the dual exhaust and intake system. He is putting it away for the winter and next spring he will be installing headers. I was wondering what else he might want to do to upgrade it? Should he install a throttle body as well? Neither of us know really anything about cars so all he knows is that he can add headers, and he wants to add a supercharger but doesn't want to void his warranty so we're looking for other upgrades.

Please no comments about getting a GT or V8... if we had of wanted a GT we would have purchased one. I would like constructive comments that will assist us in deciding what to do.

Thanks :)




  1. well Since you dont wanna hear about the GT V8... dont ask stupid questions... Dont waste your money on it you will looks stupid

  2. The truth is that there is pretty much nothing you can do with a v6 mustang. At least you didn't spend the extra money on a GT, because it's 4.6L v8 is also a POS, unless you wanna spend thousands on it.

    Not being deconstructive, but you should go buy an older mustang and put a 302 in it. It would be well worth it.

    That's great you wanna save gas with the v6, but it is simply not a muscle car. Far as GTs everywhere, every girl I know drives a 6cyl stang.

    I also don't think bigger engines are necessarily better, there not. I have a 69 SS Chevelle with a SB 400 bored to a 408 and it will run circles around a BB 427 or 454. Some engines are just better than others. But hey I guess ur his gf, and you don't care then thats great.

  3. they can make big hp no problem they make 4 cylinder 2.9 liter evos with over 1000hp but for not spending alot of money the stock headers are not all that bad and upgrading is not that big of an advantage. other modifications that can be done are the underdrive pulley the gears in the back although that will mess with your daily driving and your mpgs and you can also get a tuner so you can fine tune the engine just the way you want it or get it professionally dyno tuned for the best performance the supercharger is the best option for the most hp one component can add up to 85% go with procharger if you decide but then again i dont know how your warranty is written and you might want to check if any of this voids it  

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