
2007 tax filing status?

by  |  earlier

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I filed my 2007 tax's and also did receive the refund through direct deposit. Would like to know if I would be receiving any kind of acknowledgment from the IRS stating that my 2007 filing was correct and everything is fine.




  1. they don't send any acknowledgment. the only thing what can happen is if you got audited by IRS and they found out that you used wrong filing status then you can expect some penalties and interest in case if you understated your income using wrong filing status. and usually it takes them about 2 years to do that.

    so either wait or if you know that you used wrong filing status you can just amend it now and will reduce your possible penalties and interest... PAY TAXES AND SLEEP WELL....

  2. no comment=no problem

  3. If you received the refund, I wouldn't worry.

  4. Give it 2 years. If you happen to have something out there your forgot about, IRS will let you know in that time frame.

  5. No, they don't send anything like what you are asking about.  Everything is assumed to be fine unless you hear otherwise.  The IRS just accepts anything you send them, enters it into their computers if you did a paper mail-in return, the computers check the math and table lookups, verify that your SSN hasn't been used on other returns, makes sure there is no outstanding debt that they are waiting for you on and such.  That is all the checking they do before sending your refund.

    You may still be audited.  Anybody can.  It is only if your return is pulled for audit that they check any closer.

  6. No they do not acknowledge good work Only when you mess up

  7. At this time your tax return is okay, since it was processed and refunded.  But once all the W2 are submitted and loaded into IRS systems your return will be reviewed again to verify that all your income was reported.

  8. If you got your refund and were not requested for an audit, everything is fine. I filed for my first time and I got my money direct deposited, and no indication I did anything wrong. You'll be fine. Good luck...

  9. The IRS doesn't work that way.

    The IRS has three years from the filing deadline to assess additional taxes.  If three years pass since you filed your tax return, and you have not been contacted regarding additional tax owed, then you will never be asked for additional tax, unless there is fraud involved.

    There is no statute of limitation on fraud.

    If you have changes to your return that result in tax owed, it is better to file an amendment and pay the additional tax rather than wait and be given an assessment two years from now, with penalties and interest owed in addition to tax.

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