
2008, the global warming debate is OVER - its time to act, what are you doing to help?

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compact flourecants?, front loading clothes washers? solar voltaic panels? home use wind turbines? Geo-thermal home heating-cooling systems? new energy effieciant apliances or windows? adding insulation? unpluging apliances when not using for some time? cutting back on drivng? gettin a new fuel effeciant vehicle? turning down temp in winter and up in summer? recycling more?

and even if you still dont "believe" in global warming or human cuased climate change, it doesnt matter.. theres alot of MONEY to be saved by going green. not to make it sound shallow or selfish but people need incentives and i think there have been more then enough incentives and reasons over the last few years




  1. I think the economy will be greatly improved by our investments in all things renewable energy. In my rural community we are trying to get a charter school that will specialize in envioronmental studies for kids. Education is key. Green will provide the cutting edge jobs for our children.  Each time you spend a dollar for "green" living you are voteing for Green living. And encouraging our demand driven market economy in the direction of green.

    Way to go: GREEN!

  2. all i can my friend and more whenever i can help it green is the intelligent choice, educate the masses

  3. Al Gore and his ilk have done a masterful job of brainwashing the weak-minded.  What a shame!

  4. Yeah, the hoax is finally over.  They tried to fool the ignorant with rich losers like Al Gore, but ultimately the truth always finds its way to the top.

    I'm glad that the issue encouraged people to read up on the subject so they were able to understand that movies like "Inconvenient Truth" were filled with lies and misinformation.  Education is always good.

    Very few still believe the hype that humans have much to do with any kind of climate change any more, but most will still continue to be conservative when it comes to energy etc.

    I don't believe people should be bullied into buying products they don't want, like CFL's and little go-cart type cars, since we should always have freedom of choice.

    Also I think we should continue to decrease pollution levels.  It's great that it's been going down steadily here in the US, but we can always do more.

    And "going green" is not always money saving, so use common sense when trying to conserve energy.  There's a lot of misinformation in that area too.

  5. Are you kidding? The man-made global warming debate is definitely not over. Its not necessarily cheaper to go green, plus ethanol produces more than three times the nitrous oxide than regular gasoline.

  6. this link is called SAVE your MONEY/ SAVE THE PLANT - so its pretty much exactly what you are saying

    done forget.. you can REALLY help by not having more than 1 kid...(having 0 is even better)

  7. um, actually, we have a higher rate of global cooling than global warming, but i am still doing things such as:

    -those compact lightbulbs

    -walking to/from school + everywhere else



    the only reason that i found out of the global cooling was on national geographic.

    which was a very convincing episode.



  8. Dont get out much, do you.

  9. all of the above.. and more.. bring my own mug to coffee shops, reuse baggies, reuse any types of bag, oooh the joys of saving the planet one bag at a time! lol (planet geek, i know)

  10. Hey Doc!

    In case you haven't noticed It's starting a major cooling trend.

  11. idk, thxs for 10 points

  12. When is everyone gonna learn that it's all a ruse to get more money from the people. My flight ticket went up by £40 because of this so called 'green' energy c**p. Now you explain to me how increasing the price of my flight has done anything to save this world. It hasn't, all that's happened is millions of people have paid this and it's all gone to corrupt officials.

    I wish everyone would think for themselves for once instead of been brainwashed by this ridiculous farce.

  13. You really need to do your research before you spit out this drivel.  There is NO consensus on global warming.  NONE.  It isn't like the global warming skeptics signed a surrender to the greenies like the Japanese final surrender on the deck of the USS Missouri ending WWII.  Just because some idiot on tv says it is, doesn't mean it's true.  There is more than enough information to refute almost every aspect of how global warming is occuring, or that it's man made.  I think when you really dive into the subject and read up on it, you'll see it's nothing more than a fad that intends to scare and force people into a certain way of living.  And most of the time, going green saves nothing.  It is usually more expensive to do something green, and is often worse for the environment.  Don't believe me?  Look at those nice CFL's you have.  Do you enjoy paying $4 a bulb for something that has been known to burn out long before the supposed 5-7 year life span and not much longer than the standard incandescent bulb which only cost 50 cents?  Yes, it does use less electricity, which no one can really complain about.  But did you know those little energy savers contain mercury?  That poisonous metal.  So not only are you paying for a bulb that can last only a little longer than a normal one, you have to dispose of these by recycling them, and in some communities, paying more to do so.  What if it breaks while at home?  Techically, they say you're supposed to call a professional to clean it.  The experts say if you vacuum up the bulb, it will contaminate your vacuum as well as the area it broke.  So then you have to pay in the hundreds for one broken bulb, when you could have easily bought an incandescent for 50 cents and saved time, money, and potential mercury poisoning to your home, family and wallet.  Now I'm not everything green is bad.  I'm just saying people are very misinformed about what it entails.  It's does not make perfect sense like every greenie wants to believe.  If it truly will save money, the environment and be more efficient, let the free market decide.  If people really want it, the market will provide.

  14. Out of a general concern for the environment that has little to do with global climate change I have done the following for more than 10 years:

    1. Walked, biked, carpooled, and use the bus - I don't even own a car

    2. Recycled paper, plastics, glass, and properly disposed of batteries and electronic waste

    3. Used my own bags at the store

    4. Conserved energy and water (unplug appliances, turn the water of when brushing teeth, etc.)

    5. Use natural cleaning supplies

    6. Volunteered and worked for local environmental groups

    7. Teach environmental science at the college level and help my students find ways to improve their impact on the environment

    and that's just to get started.

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